
turned him to gold


09-27-2016, 03:11 PM
The brave's eyes fall on the man, brow quirking slightly. He's submitted immediately, and it leaves her confused. Baffled really. "The hell are you apologizing for? You're fine." He's dark, and as she nears, Fortune realizes that she's larger. Plunking her ass on the ground, trying to look less intimidating in an effort to get the creature to stop grovelling, she disregards the jackal completely. Fucking thing is obnoxious. The woman instead looks to the other man, the creature that looked so timid as he was all pinned together. Coiled. Why was he so fast to submit? Fortune has not been known for her finesse with the meek. It's not her cup of tea, but here she was, putting on her big girl panties and trying.

Okay she tries. As the jackal speaks again her gaze snaps to his face, words dancing on a fine line between sarcastic and serious. "I could sit on you. I'm not going to. But I could." There's a glare at the creature, but she drops it. Too much focus. Freaking annoying. If the wolf could speak for himself he'd probably be doing a lot better. He'd be doing far better for himself. Little thing was controlling, keeping the man under his thumb. Talking about needing to be liberated, right? Fortune tries to bring the calming thing back, tries to steady herself and steady the man before her. "You're okay. I'm not going to eat you or anything. Just trying to hunt 's all." Steady, looking at the creature with her bi colored eyes. Trying to be open. Trying to be okay.

Still feels like she's trying to juggle a madhouse, Fortune is. Between this creature and the short one, there's a weird dynamic. She can't say she's about it, this weird vibe. Still. She's sitting, she's trying to be calm. Trying to bring it back. Still frustrated, but trying to exist as a functional member of society. That was appropriate, right?

shock & awe