
meet me half way


09-27-2016, 03:59 PM
Improve diet, improve exercise, stop looking so damn scrawny. Really those three things should be at the top of Fortune's to do list, but she's really stopped giving a fuck. Some days she'll eat so much she throws up, some days she won't eat at all, it's a cycle. None of the weight she was trying to put on was sticking, none of the muscle was building. It was actually frustrating for a girl that was meant to be buff. Meant to be muscled. Fortune favors the brave, but what about a coward that forgets to so much as take care of herself. This is why, of course, she's unfit for leadership of really any sort. This is why she's hardly fit to exist in such a situation where she's keeping anyone else alive. At least she can feed a pack. At least she's good at that, right? She's found a way to make herself not feel entirely useless, and that's really the endgame here.

As the boy's drops, Fortune looks softly to him. She tries not to ache, but the brave has a soft heart. It's what's done her in nearly every time she's tried to interact with anyone. It's hard, of course, to have a silver tongue and a golden heart. That was another story for another day. That would serve to get her in trouble at a later point in time. For now she'd be safe-- she hoped, at least. The girl's head tilts softly to the side as they move, turning back to the path at hand. Wouldn't want to go falling into a ditch. With her luck, it was a distinct possibility, after all.

"I could teach you how to hunt, birds maybe, if you want." The words are soft, trying to rouse the spirits of the young man. "No one is born being good at something. A talent is developed." Someone had told her that at some point, Fortune had always figured it was her father. When it doubt, figure a cliche was derived from dear old dad. There's a light smile on her face as she leaves the offer on the table, steps confident across the ground. It was a good day for a lesson, after all.

shock & awe