
i'd give up forever

Selene I


4 Years
09-27-2016, 04:22 PM

Selene is a wild animal caught in the cinnamon creature's bear trap, and she's less than upset about it. Something about her holds her suspended in that moment, holds her waiting, breathless. How strange it was, but she doesn't seem to care. In fact, Selene is enjoying his company. Enjoying having someone else to be around, someone to exist in the same vicinity of. It had been a long time since she'd had the luxury that was company. Hell, it had been an age. A weird age. The passage of time is different when there's no need to mark it and no one to mark it for you. The lives of vagabonds were strange ones, and they passed in the strangest ways. They pass quietly in summer, loudly in winter. They rise and fall, and still to vagabonds, all they have is the unit. No borders to defend, but nowhere to lay your head. No dens to sweep and maintain, but no stored food or guaranteed dry place to sleep. Nothing is predictable, nothing is boring. Everything about being a wanderer is a double edged sword, and Selene even knows that now.

At the mention of learning things, Selene's eyes light up. It takes all of her physical focus not to cut the boy off as he speaks, not to streak off in the middle of his sentence. "They teach you things? You get to learn as well as explore? The adults actually take time with you?" Adults actually putting time into children? It was such a novel concept to Selene. It was such a strange idea, to have someone that would mentor or train. To have someone that knew things that wanted to pass them on? It's so strange.

"That sounds fantastic." Selene takes a moment to leap onto the riverbank, as most fo her has turned to a shaking mass of fur. She gets cold easily, even in the summer. She settles on the bank, tips of her toes still touching the water, taking residence in a large sunbeam. A bit of a shiver courses under her coat, cold. Fuck, she's actually pretty cold. Still, the warmth of the interaction and her fascination with the boy keeps her from being too concerned about it. The starlit is petite, her stars dripping delicate droplets where she rests on the sand. Nose on her paws, eyes on the boy's face. Part of it is interest in his words, part of it is open curiosity about who he is and what he's doing. Lionel. What an interesting creature.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]