
burning bright

Selene I


4 Years
09-27-2016, 04:39 PM

The starlit is comfortable with Creed. There's something comforting about his presence, after all. He's like the grandfather she'd wanted, the elder that would have been comforting had members of a gypsy pack actually lived long enough to attain that status. No one would be an elder until they dropped dead, after all. Everyone had to take care of themselves. Elder status was a farce meant for real packs and real families. Right. Creed was the kind of red wood tree that she was comfortable with. So she leans.

As he's prepared to hear her story, the girl's face lights up. She's going to try so immensely hard not to screw up her story. There's a deep breath, and Selene is trying to gather her focus. She would be a great story teller one day, but today, she's an explorer of all things bright and beautiful.

"A long long time ago, longer than any one man can remember, everyone could speak and talk to each other. The birds and the lions, us and the bugs, the snakes and the rhinos. Anyone you could think of, they could all speak with understanding, and that was a blessing and a curse. Though harmony lasted for a long time, it wasn't eternal. A squabble broke out when the lion named himself king of all things." Selene pauses, looking up to Creed to see if he's listening. She licks her dry lips and continues after a moment.

"The great mother tossed a great, thick blanket over everything, as far as the eye could see. There was only her knowing eye to watch over them, so she could see if they were making progress. All of the animals were in a panic, no one knew what to do. Everyone started shouting over each other, especially the lion that called himself king. Gradually, the great mother closed her eye. Darkness was more complete, and everyone was more confused. They were breaking down, y'know?" Selene nods to herself once more, making sure she keeps her storyline in the correct order.

"Finally, the lion stood at the top of the tallest mountain and let out the most mighty roar, trying to blow the blanket away. It wouldn't budge. The humming birds suggested that they fly up and peck at it until it would come apart, but the lions wouldn't listen. The giraffes, with their great long necks, scrambled to stand upon each other's backs and reach up as high as they could to tug the blanket down, but that was no use either. Again the humming birds made their suggestion, again their small voices were ignored. The cheetahs, with their great speed, they made an attempt to race to the horizon line and drag the blanket away that way-- again no use. The humming birds, with their small voices and their pleas for assistance from the rest of the animal kingdom, were quieted and shushed away." Selene takes another breath. This story telling thing, it takes a lot out of you. Still, she's enjoying herself as she continues.

"The great mother, being more and more frustrated, finally left her creations the suggestion that maybe they work together. Realizing how irritated she was, the other birds allowed themselves to be rounded up by the humming birds. As a grand group they moved toward the sky, picking at the blanket one by one. The humming birds made the smallest holes, and the other birds larger ones, until the blanket was all gone. To commemorate their strength and perseverance, the great mother hangs the blanket with the humming bird holes in it at night. It's a reminder that we always need to work together, and that she's always watching." There's a light smile on Selene's face as she finishes her story, gaze up at Creed's face. She's looking for a reaction, and maybe longing for approval. The starlit isn't used to having anyone to listen, and she's rather enjoying it. Company, you see, is nice.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]