
White Wedding


06-19-2013, 12:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 12:41 PM by Ryker.)

The boy lightly romped through the snow towards what he heard was called a wedding. Ryker knew this was something special and he was oh so very excited to attend. With his fur all clean now from a thorough grooming from his parents he tried to keep the snow off of it as best as he could. Aqua blue eyes with a green flint in each shined with joy and excitement. His tiny gray tipped tail wagged in the air as he remembered the tickling feeling he got when his mother and father went to lick his fur clean.

White toes blended in with the layer of snow on the ground as he advanced towards the ceremony. His tiny nose could smell other wolves. There were even odd smelling wolves that didn't seem to be from Valahaller(Valhalla). Those other wolves must be from Serercia!(Seracia!) With a small playful bounce the boy came closer and closer. His gaze settled on Erani and then Chrysanthe. There was a big brown brute he had never seen before as well. Then there were a lot of the strange wolves and even an odd one out from the stars knew where!

The pup looked around confused for a moment; intimidated by the presence of all these large wolves in one place. Fear and confusion danced in his eyes until he remembered his daddy was on his way, probably close behind him.

With a small wag of his gray tipped tail the boy advanced some more and looked at all of the other wolves here. His tongue lolled out of his mouth until he remembered his lessons. Ryker then sat his tiny bum down on the ground and waited for the wedding to begin. Maybe someone would come and talk to him; the boy would love that! Then the pup looked over at Chrysanthe and the wolf who looked like he was the leader of the other pack. His gaze then settled on the prince as well.

The boy went to give them a small respectful now like he had always seen his father done. He looked at all of them and went to bow his head but ended up having his face in the snow. As soon as he had gotten himself all collected again did he try again and do a successful respectful nod with an adorable smile.

So Ryker sat there patiently and quietly as he waited for his father to sit beside him.
