
turned him to gold

Oleander I


4 Years
09-27-2016, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 06:16 PM by Evelyn.)

Oleander didn't feel comfortable around this wolf at all. He could see that she was trying to remain calm, but she had already showed him just how quickly her attitude could change. She was unpredictable, and that was the wrong kind of wolf to hang around. Her words didn't sit right with him, and he flinched backwards slightly like her words had been a physical blow. "For startling you," he said said simply, his words soft spoken and almost whispered. He found himself taking a step back, shifting his gaze off of her and back towards the ocean. It was a short run, and he was smaller than the strange woman. Either way, he was far from feeling safe and all he wanted to do was leave.

Her comment to Cedar had him looking back at her, his lips twitching slightly. Ollie didn't anger easily, but it bothered him that a stranger would speak to his brother that way. He hadn't meant any harm at all, but it was clear to him that she had violent mood swings. The wolf appreciated that she was trying, but it was simply too late to change his mind on her. He had no intentions of getting mixed up with a wolf of her caliber. "We will leave you to hunt then," his words were dry and short, something that was unlike the kind, yet reserved gardener. He took yet another step towards the water, not wishing to turn his back on her. Oleander's teal eyes remained narrowed, and Cedar just turned and left. He wasn't taking any of her crap, and unlike his brother he was not so cautious. Looking back at his companion, Ollie turned and took what he hoped was his last look at the lady. She was just too quick to bite out sharp words, and he would look for something to do elsewhere. "Die bona, good day," he said with finality. At last, taking a chance, he turned and headed back for the ocean, his ears pointing back and listening for a pursuer.

-exit unless stopped-
(This means that Fortune can stop him, it's an attempted exit)


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.