
literal night



6 Years
09-27-2016, 06:22 PM
A god among men tonight, the shadow seems to be able to feel everything and nothing at all. The bud in his mouth, furry but softening. It's softening him overall as well, his rough edges melting into one smoothness of shadow. He's always been this way, but he's evolving. He's changing. Poser is always changing, and today he's being kind to a pigeon. Who was going to be able to tell what came next, but there is something worth it in being kind. There is some comfort in it, especially in the way that he can have company today. Company, you see, has been a hot commodity lately. He will allow this pigeon to exist in his halo, and maybe some of his light will rub off. Maybe Poser can grant her some of his grace for now. She may borrow it. Something about her demeanor reminds him of an old friend, brings a far off glimmer to his sapphire eyes. He will not squelch it, but the shadow daren't bring it up either.

"If you'd like to pick a bud, tuck it in your lip and chew it. The strain here, it's got a bit of citrus and a little pine... it's less foul than most, but it's not the most delicious thing. What's ideal are the effects. Relaxation, a heightened sense of self awareness." The man indicates the cannabis plant with his delicate snout, showing exactly where the perfect bud to pick was. It wasn't particularly large, but he would not overwhelm the pigeon. That would be impolite, and he's worked so hard to be good to her thus far. Tonight is a good night to catch Poser on. "If you would like to keep me company while I look. I prefer not to pick before I use something, simply because it dries out and becomes less effective. I'll be happy to share."

"Poser, Sir is my father's name." That a joke-- he'd never even seen his father. Probably fed into his daddy issues, but that was beside the point. There's a glimmer to Poser as he looks to the girl, nodding once. He will go along with her wishes, he will answer her questions. "I live in the Castle, alone for now. One day, ideally, I will have my own pack there but I've really only been here a week or so. The mainland, there are more packs there. Five? Six maybe?" He'd met a few on the mainland, he'd met a few here. Poser greatly prefers the south continent. "It's quieter here, in Auster." The shadow wishes he knew what to say, had more specifics. If she would ask, he could at least try to answer. That would be good.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]