
literal night



4 Years
09-27-2016, 06:58 PM
-sorry about the wait. lost my post and had to restart-

The man would give her that opportunity to try such a drug. Explaining how to take it, the taste it would give compared to others and the effects it would have. At first she would look down at the bud he pointed out to try it on, gaze lifting to his sapphire's momentarily before she pulled it back to the plant. So far he proved to be fair and tolerating her presence, and so she would trust the stranger.

Head was lowered, teeth carefully plucking the bud from its hold and tucking it into her lip like instructed. Head would turn back to him as she began to chew, not one to be rude and at least not keep some sort of eye contact when speaking. The taste she was kind of expecting, a plantiness that mixed with the citrus and pine that he had spoke of. Slow chews as she listened to him, not rushing it, allowing her body to take in the smell and oil. relaxation beginning to set in.

He did take her offer, but more so her company. Preferring to go as he went rather than picking and allowing such plants to dry out. "That is perfectly fine." She spoke in a sweet tone, a small nod of her head given to him. Aeru had no intenions of asking for his plants, even after this sample.But if along the way he wanted her to try some of his stuff, she would give it a go. There was no harm in it. Who knows. Perhaps she would actually enjoy the stuff by time she had to part ways. And if so, maybe a deal could be worked out so she could make visits.

She smirked at his little joke, such simple things were enough to get her. "Aeru" Even if it didn't bring a full laugh or tamer chuckle. He would share about himself, a 'castle' that he lived in and would like to create a pack thee at some point. He had only been here about a week or two however. She nodded, continuing to chew on the bud. There were maybe five or six packs on the mainland, but it was quieter down here. Auster.

"I see..." With that information the woman would seem to look away from the man, as if processing and trying to come up with her next move. "It is not a lot but I can make due with it, Thank you." Turning back to Poser she would dip her skull once more. "Would you happen to know any of their standings?" He did not look like the type who stuck around packs to find out about them, preferring his quiet time in this place. But she would try, perhaps he had seen or heard something about at least one or two of them.

It would be nice to know which ones she should avoid if she didn't want trouble. Even then, the longer she stood there with him, the lighter she felt. The thought of danger just kind of flowing off her being.