
White Wedding


06-19-2013, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 12:45 PM by Thane.)
Aqua blue eyes watched the pup make his way through the snow. Thane smiled as he let a small chuckle escape his lips. White lined ears perked up as the brute listened for any signs of his companion. He heard nothing, they should be off then now. The brute followed closely behind his son as he watched the boy slowly advance. He knew his son was excited to attend the ceremony and see what it was like. In fact, Thane had never even been to one himself. The wolf had no idea what was going to happen. But he would learn soon enough right?

The smile never ceased as he watched Ryker's tiny gray tipped tail wave in the air. Soon enough an eagle's cry was heard. Aqua blue eyes looked up towards the sky as a golden eagle swooped down from the sky and landed on Thane's shoulder.

"Better late than never" Thane said to the eagle

"Oh you know I'd never let you down old chap!"

"Old? did you just call me old Cyril?"

"Oh heavens no!" he said with a wink.

Thane flicked a white lined ear at Cyril before turning back to his son who was now further ahead. The male made his way to Ryker and sat down beside the boy.

with a small smile he watched as Ryker tried to nod at Gerhardt, Chrysanthe, and Maverick. His aqua blue eyes widened as the boy went face first into the snow. The father took a step forward to help his son until he saw the pup pick himself back up and try again. Then did he watch his son with a proud smile and a chuckle held behind his lips.

With a small frown that turned into an amused smile the brute bent down and licked the boy's back to get rid of a few small twigs that had become entangled in the pup's fur.

Thane then looked up and looked around. His aqua blue gaze landed on Loccian as he looked. Maybe later he would go over to her with Ryker; but for now he sat respectfully waiting. The male gave a respectful nod towards Cairo, Chrysanthe, Gerhardt, and the prince.

With a smile he looked back down at his son wondering what was running through his little mind.