
literal night



4 Years
09-27-2016, 07:59 PM
More information was given but it wouldn't be exactly what she had meant. Nevertheless it as something rather than nothing. Only one out of them he knew was pretty new, while the rest had been around for some time. She could only guess that meant that those not within the claimed territories would be influenced by them. The girl would have to keep her wits whenever she came close to one, play her cards correctly.

For now however she would enjoy the man's company, finding that it was going rather lovely and smooth. Their conversation was flowing nicely, as though they were old friends reminicing. At least she would imagine so. Following suit, moving as he did with a lightness that she wished was gained sooner. Perhaps it was also having to do with how he moved, such graceful steps and chosen words.

And then he nearly jumped at a plant before him. Aeru tilted her skull and watched as he peeled away leaves from the plant, the excitement in the air growing as he instructed her once more on how to take the bud. She'd smile, rolling the old one from her tongue and going back down to nip a bud into her mouth, tongue moving it into place and beginning to roll in some chewing.

His words from a little earlier in their meet would flow in, remembering that this Kava was more hallucigenic than a relaxant like the bud she had just been on. How kind he is to look fter her, not wanting her to trip out too hard from this special plant of his.

Slowly she can feel it working, closing her eyes at the caress of a breeze around the body. It sends a chill up the spine, almost enhancing it as it reached the ears. It is like she can see what she hears while the world is in total darkness. Speaking to her at only a whisper. "This... is the Kava?" Her voice flows like the breeze, light and calm. She is enjoying it so far, nearly forgetting about continuing to chew the thing, going back to the action.

Poser. He was something else.