
Cause we're worth it


09-27-2016, 10:43 PM

Lift off this blindfold, let me see again

Gethin had carefully built up his self control over the years so that he could slowly take his time with the women he was with and get them to trust him and willingly agree to stay with him. Mercy was the only woman he had ever encountered that was able to throw all that work and all that self control out the window at a single blink of those violet eyes. He hated and loved that about her all at the same time. Right now he hated it because he wanted to take care of her first and make her rest, but he loved it cause it just solidified why he was so fixated and entrapped by her all the time. His eyes closed for a moment and a low growl rumbled in his chest as her teeth grazed his cheek and her whispered words reached his ears. What little resolution he had left went tumbling off a cliff.

He was silently glad that Mercy's opponent hadn't done more actual damage to her than she had. That face made him not feel nearly as bad as he would have as he immediately stepped forward so that their chests were pressed flush together and he curved his neck around hers so that his jaws could grasp her scruff between his teeth. That first real contact sent fire through his veins and sent a tremble down his spine. It had been far too long. His teeth cut through her skin and he pressed his chest harder into hers with a growl. He didn't know how he was keeping himself from just climbing onto her right that very moment, but he was. She wanted him to show her how much she meant to him and damn it he was going to do just that. It might not be what most outsiders would view as love or affection, but for the two of them this was the only way he knew how to express how much he loved her.

He let his chest leave hers as he let go of her scruff for the moment so that he could walk down along her side. He left small bites as he went, slowly making his way down her body. His teeth scraped the skin on her shoulder, all along her spine, down the front of her thigh. He left a particularly sharp bite on her hip and another low growl left him as he sank his jaws into the skin there. Their love bites had never been gentle and he certainly wasn't going to start now. This was the girl that wanted him while she was sore and covered in an opponent's blood. Little nips weren't going to cut it.

Finally he let himself circle around behind her and climb over her so that his body rested lightly on top of hers. He was still careful to keep a good portion of his weight on his hind legs since he was still aware of how bruised and sore she was, but his front legs still hooked tightly around her and his claws dug into the soft skin on her sides. He grabbed her scruff in his jaws again and pulled her back against him as his teeth sank into the mouthful of skin yet again, his bite lightly tearing her skin as he pulled on her scruff. Finally he gave into himself and let himself have all of her, wanting nothing more than to show her exactly how much she meant to him.

- fade to black-

And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart she left a hole