
White Wedding


06-19-2013, 12:51 PM

Gabriel didn't wish to be here. he didn't want to come, he didn't want to watch Pip leave. A sense of betrayal stabbed him painfully in the chest and he had spent the better part of the morning away from his family convincing himself that those tears that stained his snout weren't really tears. He wasn't really that upset. Pip had always seemed to favor him over his other siblings, she was supposed to take him places once he got bigger, they were supposed to be best friends forever, he loved her and she loved him... but she was leaving. Leaving Valhalla, leaving him and Gabriel didn't want to watch her go.

His siblings didn't seem to understand him, his mother was patient and kind but she couldn't always be with him, Pip was his best friend. he didn't approach the group, he didn't wanna be a part of the wedding. He lingered in the shadows of the trees, two toned oculars glossy with tears as his small frame leaned against one of the trees, he stayed hidden, out of sight, even made sure he was downwind so no one would scent him. He didn't wanna be here, but he had come because everyone else thought this was a joyous occasion, and he would support his family even if it broke his heart.