
broken-hearted lovers



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-28-2016, 02:54 PM

Tib didn't try to shift away or stop her from crying on his chest. He just smiled down at her softly and held her in his hug. She was so petite compared to his own form that she fit perfectly against his chest. How was it that he kept ending up with so many small women in his life? Between Amalia and Arivae and now Finch. Even one of his sisters was fairly small as well. There was certainly a trend here and it just made him feel like even more of a giant. He didn't mind too much though. He was used to being larger than most by now and it came in handy in moments like these when someone needed a good hug or cuddle. She looked up at him and her words surprised him, but still made him smile. He wondered how that could be the sweetest thing she had ever heard. Even sweeter than anything her family had ever told her? Or maybe she was exaggerating in the moment. Either way he was glad he had been able to make her smile.

Tib watched Finch as she looked out over the waterfalls and asked what was next and he just shrugged in response with a soft chuckle. He really hadn't had any kind of plan for all of this. His only concerns were to calm her down and make her happy and now that those things had been accomplished he didn't know what to do next. One of his brows raised with curiosity when he noticed a smirk form on her features and he had a sneaking suspicion she had something up her sleeve. At her outrageous question his eyes went wide and before he could respond she darted off down the hill. "Hey!" he called after her, scrambling to his paws to chase after her. A huge grin spread across his lips when he heard her giggle and as he started carefully making his way down the incline after her. She was small and fast, but he still had longer strides on his side. He knew he'd catch her eventually, but he kind of wanted to let her get away. Or at least he didn't want to go catching her right away. "Hey now! Don't go getting me in trouble! he called after her, laughing as well as he said it.

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