
Unsteady Return


06-19-2013, 12:55 PM

a small smile flickered on her jaws, as the grey wolf spoke. she admired her strength as the wolf stood, even though eris knew she had to be in a good deal of pain. she walked close to the other wolf, in case she needed the extra support, and because she was a visitor in the land. they didn?t have to walk far, before they came to the stream, and at the question that lingered between the wolves, the healer nodded, and spoke warmly. ?This is perfect, Ashtoreth.? the tawny healer, moved forward to the edge of the water, glancing at it before looking at Ashtoreth.

?Move into it, if you can, if you need help I?ll gladly help you. The cold water will not only flow on your wounds cleaning them, but it?ll also soothe any inflammation.? her voice was warm, and soothing. in their new location, there happened to be a clump of marigold rather close, and though it was waning as the year went on, she knew it would be good to make a poultice from for her wounds to prevent infection. marigold wasn?t the most common herb for wound treatment, but eris had learned a long time ago that you had to make due with what you have where you are. ashtoreth would need it replaced regularly, and she wondered if Valhalla had a healer that could over-see that. eris knew little of Valhalla, so her next question for the she-wolf was a well validated one. ?Do you have a healer here, that can reapply the poultice that I?ll apply when it?s clean?? her offer was genuine, and if there wasn?t a healer who could tend to it, and the alpha was permissible, eris didn?t mind hanging around on the border until the young wolf?s injuries were healed.
