
Caliber & Ricochet Armistice

Vadim I


3 Years

09-28-2016, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2016, 06:45 PM by Vadim I.)
Tomboy girls are the only girls I can play. \o/

Name: Abigail "Ricochet" Armistice
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Height: 40 inches
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Design: Click

Nothing about this behemoth monstrosity of a wolf would ever lead you to believe that it is, in fact, female. She is a large creature standing at a tall forty inches, weighing in at 178 pounds on an empty stomach. Her build is muscular, broad-shouldered, and masculine in every way. She was born with a rare ovarian disease causing her to produce an exceptional amount of testosterone for a lady, though she doesn't seem to mind. She is beyond confident with her posture, her tail nearly always flagged behind her to announce her presence to anyone that may be watching her. If they weren't paying attention, she would soon make them.

Her muscle structure is mostly hidden beneath layers of dense and ragged fur, lighter along her underside and around her muzzle. Her palette consists only of various shades of gray, though the scattered high-lights along the upper portion of her body only seemed to accentuate her impressive strength. She holds a handsomely sculpted face, thick and meaty- though it is almost always contorted into a less-than-pleasant snarl that masked her beauty with it's display. She is strong and solid, holding no feminine curves beneath the chaotic disarray of fur sprouting in nearly every direction.

If one has a chance to look past the gnashing, thick set of teeth and growling disposition, they'd be able to notice her most striking feature: her heterochromic eyes outlined by crescent like curves of lighter gray, curling over each one like a cradle. Her left eye is a fiery orange that, though vibrant, doesn't seem to be nearly as reflective as it's counterpart; her right eye is green, tinged with a very light yellow for a peridot effect and seems to capture light with this hue that makes it illuminated beneath the right lighting. With her gaze usually narrowed and hidden behind a mask of indifference, the mismatched stars hardly ever seemed to gain the attention they deserved.

This beast of a woman is never one to hold back how she truly feels about someone; her sharp tongue and twisted way of thinking getting her in trouble in most social situations. Ricochet shows dominance in most, if not all, situations presented to her as if nothing would be able to seize her. Those that she knew as a pup are presented a whole different personality than strangers, even ones that become trusted do not receive the same special treatment. She adores her family and will let them get away with far more than anyone else may ever.

She is ultimately amoral with little care to the feelings of others, though the sense of control she gains when being able to pull them out of another absolutely thrills her. She is often in an excitable state, borderline manic, her teeth almost always displayed in either a psychopathic grin or threatening snarl. She can be very upbeat, friendly and even at times sweet, though that sweetness is often used only with manipulative intent. She demands to be called Ricky and absolutely loathes most other women, finding them more like puppets than actual individuals. She cares not for the rights of those that she threatens, she cares not about hierarchy status. All she cares about is herself and her brothers, and making sure others know their place: bowing to them.

She was born of Splinter and from Aven, alongside her cherished siblings: Mortar, Caliber, and Arsenal.

When her parents were killed in a siege, she had been ultimately kidnapped afterward. Though her pack members came to her rescue and brought her back home, the kidnapping certainly worked it's wonders on hardening her empathy. As she grew, she became more and more amoral and cared very little about most anything that didn't directly benefit her in some way. She more often than not appeared to be annoyed by the very existence of anyone outside of her and her brothers.

When her brother Caliber murdered another packmate and became exiled, it brought her secret satisfaction. Her family was strong, and their dominance should reign over most others in her eyes- her brother's success had been handled entirely wrong, but the drama that revolved around it now due to Caliber's meddling brought her enjoyment. When Arsenal went looking for Caliber, she followed, leaving the weak pack behind without ever even batting an eye.

Plans: MAYHEM. :3 To promote the strength of their family by preying on the weaknesses of others, she wants to see her brothers strong and fierce right alongside herself. She hardly even views herself as a girl, so it might be common for her to claim other women to further prove her dominance over them and show just how different she is.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]