
Until I Devour You



6 Years

09-28-2016, 06:39 PM

It was almost daunting how tall he was compared to her. Standing at a full foot taller she had nothing compared to him, and yet he wasn't so bulky as to be considered gigantic looking. He still had a lean and intriguing sort of appearance that fascinated her. Regulus was the same size and yet she'd been looking at him since they were old enough to open their eyes. It felt completed different when you were looking at a stranger and realizing how completely and utterly small you were. She wasn't even the smallest wolf in Boreas, and yet at the moment she felt pretty tiny.

She didn't mind his approach. While she respected other's personal space she typically had very little to none depending on the vibe she got from others. If he'd been creepy or weird she wouldn't have allowed him to draw so near, yet she didn't get any strange ill feelings when she stared at him. She was only curious as to who he was, why he was hanging out near a volcano, and how he came to be here. Granted she wasn't going to pelt him with those all at once.

She was rather disappointed when he told her his was a face she'd just forget. The defiant part of her nature wished to argue with him and tell him otherwise, but she bit her tongue. She now had a reason to run into him again and point out she still remembered his face. She'd done a pretty good job so far with remembering everyone she had met, even if she never saw them again later.

He introduced himself finally and she dipped her head politely. She was more than grateful to be able to put a name to a face. She wasn't fully expecting the second question, but regardless she smiled at him. She could certainly answer that. "This is the eastern mountain range. This is Mount Volkan, and Fenrir's Maw is close by, though it seems as though a pack has taken up residence there." She was more than familiar with both of them considering this is where she'd gotten lost before she'd turned two. This time though she knew her way around.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]