
They say that rock will never survive



9 Years
09-28-2016, 10:29 PM

It was time to bring his pack together, to see who was really in it for the long haul - he'd seen some new faces at the gathering when he'd claimed the pack, and he hoped they were interested. Xephyris had made his rounds over the territory for the day, marking it as his own. Feeling proud that he had finally established a home and achieved his first goal, he knew that today was the day for the pack's first meeting. He needed to get to know his new pack members, establish the rules of the pack with them and figure out which ranks to sort them all in to. He supposed that bit might take time for some of the members, but he hoped that most of them knew how they wanted to contribute to the pack. At the farthest boundaries of the black sand beach, the man weaved his way amongst the old palms, enjoying the tropical feel they gave to this place, despite the cooler temperatures.

Leaving the trees behind, he made his way across the sand until he reached the great pillars of lava rock that surrounded the beach, placing himself near the rocky path that led up and down from the beach to the mainland. Here, he seated himself, thick tail wrapping around his base, and he tossed back his head to call to the newly formed pack. When he lowered his head, his silver, blue-flecked eyes looked out across the beach to the frigidly cold water. Now to wait for the wolves to come out, and for his plans to finally move forward.

OOC: Mandatory first meeting for members of Vyper! Anyone new and wanting to join is also welcome! First round due by October 10th!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]