
I'm in hiding

Vadim I


3 Years

09-29-2016, 08:41 AM

His interest in this hunt was beyond comparison to anything he'd ever experienced from either parent of his. While he did not resent them, he was beginning to understand that not all adults were elusive and boring. There had been a time when he'd viewed his dad as a mind that harbored all the secrets of the world, and now he simply.. had no idea who his dad was, exactly. He hoped that would change, but for now, this woman in front of him was his teacher and he her pet.

He followed the tiny woman eagerly, not finding it difficult to keep up with her even with his wounds and he was thankful for that. When they'd approached the bushes, he let his own nose sniff at the leaves while his molten stare drifted over to her as if waiting for the words that he knew would come. As she instructed, he'd smile and nestle in behind the bushes, his ears perking at her laugh.

He watched her walk away and set his head down on his front paws, peeking beneath the leaves at the edge of the bush to see anything that might be coming down the path while he listened with his ears. When she'd let out a bark, his ears shot down out of reaction but immediately picked themselves back up as he kept his eyes glued on what may be coming. It felt like eons, and he heard her move around.. something must have went wrong, because it sounded as though she had gotten farther. Then, he could hear her and the tiny scampering of the rabbit getting louder, they were heading this way!

When he saw the rabbit, he pushed with his hind limbs to slide himself out in front of it and obstruct it's path. His forelimbs widened ahead of him, aiming themselves around the rabbit while his jowls swung open. It was awkward at first, the rabbit ran straight into his chest but kicked off and tried to find a way out that wasn't blocked by one of Vadim's limbs. In it's confusion, Vadim took his first lunge with his jaws, aiming to snap them at the butt of the rabbit. He felt them pinch the rabbit's flesh and felt the pulling of it's muscles as it kicked frantically. It started to squirm and Vadim nearly thought he'd lose it's hold as he found his feet and brought himself to a stand.

One quick shake was all it took to render those hind-legs useless for the rabbit, severing the vertebrae in it's spine as he thrashed. When he was finished, the rabbit was still alive but now paralyzed and in shock from the pain. It wasn't pretty, but it hunting never really was, was it? He looked up, his eyes searching for Amalia with a grin on his face. When he found her, he'd wag his tail and hold the rabbit up in pride.. but, it seemed the bindings around his chest had been damaged when he'd rolled out to stop the rabbit. :C Oops.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]