
Matter of Fact



2 Years
09-29-2016, 10:43 AM

She was alone.

Her orbs shifted at the empty scenery, noticing nothing but an odd scent lingering in the air. It was an area she never had though to come across, and yet here she stands. Although she did not need anyone guidance on the land, she was beginning to doubt her primal instinct. A frown slowly formed on her lips as she waited, her pace quicker across the land while she continued to investigate.  Her arrival to the continent made the warrior feel out of place as if she did not belong. When traversing through the forest or meadow, it was filled with history before her appearance on the land. However, it did not stir her away from continuing her travel in hopes of finding a purpose in her life, but the rouge woman grew impatient.

Was this all for nothing?

She felt captivated by how rich and beautiful each environment she stumbled upon. Each held inhabitants she had never laid her eyes on and floras that she could not name. Reina continued her jog until a scent filled her nostrils. The large woman came to a halt, her lips twitched and peeled back to reveal her ivories as she uttered a soft growl. Reina paused, observing the land that surrounded her. This would be the second encounter with another wolf. The female grew tense, unsure what was to come.

A male finally stood before her with a snarl upon his face. Reina gazed at the wolf, observing him from the distance while her lips twitched and threatened to release a growl herself. She remained silent of course, taking notice of how tall he stood compared to her, and the muscles that were easily spotted on his body. He would be a dangerous enemy or a great ally. "Why have you come here?" His snarl caused her ears to flick forward at his words.

"A purpose." She first said, unfazed by the lack of warm greeting from the other male. "I seek a purpose in my life and have traveled all over to search for it. Somehow I have wandered far from my comfort zone and found myself here." Reina paused, her eyes narrowed at the other as the tone of her voice became firm, "I scented no pack land around here. Therefore I can free to come and go from here just as I please." The female held her gaze, tilting her head forward just as she held her stance. She would not be intimidated by anyone and definitely not him.

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist