
Matter of Fact



6 Years
Extra large

09-30-2016, 07:30 AM

He had relaxed his snarl before greeting her, though she still seemed on edge by his presence alone. He listened to her words with his full attention, and by the end of them there was a sense of admiration coming from the brute.. though it was well hidden beneath his stoic appearance. He kept his body completely still, nothing about his body language would speak of intent to attack, though nothing about it would speak of friendly tones either.

He flicked an ear to her remark about no pack remaining in the area and he lowered his head. He was no alpha anymore, he was a loner just like the rogue before him.. though some part of him resented the idea of not being able to guard the volcano with his own personal army.

"So you are," he said calmly, agreeing with her statement about being free to roam. He traded his initial aggression for increasing interest as he thought over her other words. Suddenly, an almost teasing smirk came over half of his muzzle as he would tilt his skull slightly. "Though, are you not a woman? Is your purpose not to bear children?"

He was testing her, though his words were spoken as smoothly as ever and it would hardly lead one to think that he didn't actually believe those words. He admired women like his sister, women that held their own strength and did not rely on the strength of a male counterpart. He admired the independent, and he knew women were more than capable of having a purpose other than carrying children.. though, there was a certain beast within begging to be let out to play with this one if she didn't play her cards right. He was taming it and holding it off with his sarcasm.


"'cause I'm a fucking mess sometimes,
and I'll say what I don't mean.
~ eden - drugs

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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