
Matter of Fact



2 Years
09-30-2016, 11:52 AM

She noticed the full attention that was laid upon her when she spoke. For a male such as himself, she naturally assumed they would not care for her words. He was not like that which impressed the female, but she would not relax in front of his presence just yet. Like all animals, they are not always predictable, something she has learned from many of her hunts and quiet observations of her fellow tribe wolves.

Reina became curious about this male. Why would anyone linger in these parts for more than a day? Her orbs shifted from side to side quickly, noting the details of the rocky terrains and did not fully comprehend what attracted this male here. His scent was all over, meaning he must have resided here for more than a few days. Her gaze refocused on the larger man, his voice bringing her attention back to him.

His calming answer made the woman move around, shifting her weight from one paw to the other, her tail slowly lowering against her hind legs. Her black ears then pinned back against her skull, her lips twitched and formed a frown as a response to his question. ”Though, are you not a woman? Is your purpose not to bear children?”

Her face contorted to one of disgust. Why that? Before responding verbally, Reina rolled her eyes, “No, clearly I am a man. Have you not seen my balls hanging from underneath or are you blind?” The rouge female snapped, baring her fangs in a show of her dislike of his question. “I have no need for children. They would only hold me back and make me weak. I cannot afford weakness in my life; it will only be the death of me.” Reina paused only for a moment as she pondered.

Her lips parted open again, directing a question to the massive brute. “And you? Are you not a man? Where is your pack and where did your runts and mate run off too?” She inquired. As far as she was aware, not all men wanted to run a pack or acquire a partner to produce a family with. With someone as large as the one before her, she could only ask based off of assumption as payback for his ridiculous question.

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist