
Matter of Fact



6 Years
Extra large

09-30-2016, 12:40 PM

As her face contorted into one of disgust, he'd already begun to grin with amusement; the words that followed her reaction only pleased him further as his throat erupted in a hearty chuckle. He quieted himself so that he could continue to listen to her words, though it was clear that he was far less etched in stone. His ears perked forward as he quietly compared her to his own family, that attitude could certainly be placed among his many sisters.. well, maybe not Ictus. She was a bit of a whore and certainly loved the idea of pups, but that was another story.

It was her strength and character that reminded him of his sisters, a slight smirk remaining on his lips up until the point where she mentioned his pack and mate. For a moment, his face fell still and his eyes distant, the pupils of them shrinking considerably as if he'd seen something absolutely terrifying. In only the few seconds that had gone by, a thousand thoughts and memories whirled around in his brain like a hurricane. The gruesome image of his dead mate's bleeding skull beaten against a rock wall echoed in visuals, the haunt of her gasping words causing his ears to flatten against his skull as if trying to block them out.

Slowly, his hackles would rise as he fought the thoughts away.. every muscle in his being tensing, causing his short fur to stand on end over his flesh. His jaw clenched shut and his lips quivered in a silent snarl until finally he managed to pull himself out of the nightmare in his brain. He shot his glare to her, eyes narrowed as he focused on her instead and used her face like an anchor to bring him back to real-time. Slowly, as he stared at her, he'd start to relax.. willing himself to focus on the current, not to relive the past.

Finally, through a tightly wound jaw, he emitted, "Point proven."

He chose to keep his narrowed gaze on her for only a moment longer as all of his emotions that overwhelmed him previously washed away and the only feeling left was anger. He inhaled sharply through his nose before releasing a snort and shaking his head, pulling himself away from her quite suddenly. He couldn't look at her, not right now. Without anything else to say, the beast began to traverse the rocky slopes of Mount Volkan with full intention of leaving the girl behind.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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