
I'm in hiding

Vadim I


3 Years

09-30-2016, 01:17 PM

His aura of pride slowly started to die as he noticed the frown on her face. He didn't quite understand, but as he listened to her lesson he found himself going through a mix of emotions. He tried to understand, and the trial was evident on his features as he went through various stages of 'oooh' 'oooh?' 'oooh!'

So rabbits had feelings just like wolves did? They weren't just brainless, walking snacks? His features drooped as he began to feel a sense of guilt about it, and he nodded up to her in agreement. No animal should have to suffer like that, especially if they could feel it the same as he felt the sting of Ramsay's wounds on him now, and the soreness of those bruises. He could only imagine what it felt like for the rabbit after what Vadim did to him, yikes.

While he felt the guilt, it was obvious his tummy wasn't thinking the same. A loud and audible grrrowl vibrated in his gut and he tried his best not to let the rabbit slip through his drooling jaws. He readjusted it in his mouth and let her rebind him back to perfect condition! He'd started to nod to her first question, then shook his head at the second- things were still sore, but nothing that he needed to worry her with! He wagged his tail as she wiggled that nubbin' and watched her carefully. Did they eat here? Did they carry it back home-- oh, wait.. she wasn't from home.. and he couldn't go home currently. He sighed out of his nose, the result being a sort of snort before he dropped the rabbit and plopped down with it. "Do you want the top half, or the bottom half.. or perhaps the back, or the belly? Or should we split right down the middle, you take the left.. I'll take the right?" Geez there were a lot of ways to do this, he was getting tired just by thinking about all their options! Or.. was he just tired in general? It'd been a long day, after all!
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]