
Matter of Fact



2 Years
10-01-2016, 12:47 PM

The brave woman watched as his expression; laughter erupted from his throat, a sign that made her relax. If she made this stranger laugh, then all would be well, right?

Reina thought back to the question that he asked of her, children. The rouge woman did not hate them enough to leave them out to die, but she could not stand the idea of having a few of her own. As a youngster, she watched as one of her favorite guards or her tribe reduced to a weak, pathetic dog. No longer participating in bloodied spars or night patrols, fearing that something would happen to them. For that, she had grown to shun them from her life, as if they never existed in the first place.

Slowly, his laughter would cease and his expression changed drastically. Her golden orbs took notice of his hackles, the movement of his jaws and his narrowed stare at him; uneasiness settled in her heart and once again, she brought her guard up. Had her words struck a cord in his heart? Reina waited for his lash out, but he uttered the words ”Point proven.” and turned away from her.

Reina did not move from her place, watching as the now angered male stalked off. Guilt slowly resided within her heart, and soon enough, she pursued after him. "Wait!" She called out, her voice raised in hopes to get his attention. "Forgive me, stranger. It may seem that I have caused you some pain that I was not aware of." Her paced quickened as she approached which eventually slowed down; she still wanted there to be a distance between them. Even after what she said, she had no idea how he will react.

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist