



2 Years
10-01-2016, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2016, 10:44 AM by Dagmær.)
ooc:  Hello, hello!  This is a hunt for Gathering points for trading as well as skill points.  Our quarry is Mountain Goats which are not currently on the gathering list here:  Gathering however I talked with Tea and they are in the Rare/Difficult category which means that we'll need 7 rounds to qualify for the Gathering points!  Ouch, I know!  Most of the prey that is in Fenrir's Maw will be in this category but I hope to eventually get enough gems to nab the Redbud Nook for some less strenuous hunting in the future ;)

That said, I'll be thinking over my break on ways we can make this hunt more interesting and fun for those involved.  So feel free to send me your suggestions!  What would making hunting threads more fun for you?  pm me your suggestions and I'll see what I can come up with as well. I may see about offering some sort of reward or something for participating, I just have to think on this a bit more, lol.  Due date for this thread is October 12.

EDIT: Actually, maybe we'll just do the 4 rounds unless y'all want to do the 7. I think staff is still working out the Gathering stuff so it's not completely official yet. Sorry for the confusion xD I get excited and jump the gun.

Morning was breaking slowly on the horizon, the light blocked from lower levels by the rocky forms that stretched like steeples into the sky.  Autumn was sweeping quickly into the mountains, the trees shimmering in their brilliant hues.  One last song before they would crumble away into winter's deep sleep.  Dagmær balanced precariously between two large rocks as she eyed the drop below her, tail wagging and twisting before she pushed off safely onto a large boulder. This terrain was difficult to hunt in, there was no mistake.  It was rocky and treacherous though there were a few flatter spots where she could get a good run going.  Karabela was pushing her to start hunting before winter moved in and late autumn would likely bring snow.  

Sniffing the air for a moment Dagmær's eyes narrowed before she scrambled down to a flatter plateau.  There was a small herd of mountain goats that travelled through this area toward one of the many mountain streams.  Taking one of the sure-footed creatures would be a difficult task but it wasn't one she'd shy away from.  Would her packmates join her?  Were they willing to bleed and sweat for a well-earned meal?  Tipping back her head she'd howl for her packmates to join her on this hunt.

Walk, "Talk" Think