
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 03:18 PM
Darkness. Cold. Rushing water. Crashing noise. Sharp objects penetrating his pelt. Hansel fought the water, he had been tossed into it by the sharp-clawed beast. His head broke the surface, the sodden male inhaled a mouthful of air and seawater as he struggled to find his bearings. Turning back, he saw the Beast rolling around in the water, trying to dislodge his attacked. He saw it flipping over to stand above the water, but it struggled just as much as he did as the tide rose. The Beast leaped away from the deeper parts and towards the shallows, waiting to grab Yin in his clutches. Ears flattened to his skull, the beast hissed as he bared his fangs. Amber yellow eyes appeared as the devils eyes himself. Slits focused on the two wolves before him, but mainly on Yin who was closest. He crouched, waiting for her to erupt from the water so he could take his chance and finish her off...oh how the taste of blood teased and tempted him.

Hansel grunted with the effort of fighting the waves, he had been kicked farther then anticipated. He reached out for a rock that he swept by, clinging onto it so the water wouldn't take him away. He spat out water as he desperately searched for Yin. Glancing towards the area where he had seen her last, he saw the lion crouching and waiting. Clambering up, he heaved himself onto the rocks and heavily bounded towards the shore. He wasn't about to let it kill her, he'd rather die first. With a burst of strength, he sped across the rocks. His paws hit the sand, sending debris flying around him as he rushed towards the Beast. With a mighty leap, he landed on it's back, causing the creature to roar in anger and flail as it tried to reach him. Hansel snapped at its ears, tearing them and blinding it as the blood seeped into its eyes. He clung on with sharpened claws, teeth digging into its shoulders. He would distract it for Yin. Smoky gray and tawny pelts writhed on hind legs as they took turns clawing and swiping. The beast scoring across the Ghostly males neck and shoulders as he held on for dear life.