


06-19-2013, 03:30 PM

He watched as one, two slipped from her womb and into the world he knew. There were no problems that he foresaw, not even when the tiny wriggling bodies graced the earth. Skillfully he swept forth and removed the placentas from around their bodies, his teeth nibbling delicately to keep from injuring his children. He ushered them with tentative jaws to their mother's bosom where they might find nourishment and warmth. This winter would not be kind to them, but he would see them through it. A figure emerged in the corner of his eye, a woman he didn't know - and by her tone didn't care to know. "Shut your mouth, wench. This isn't the time or the place for your bull." He was not pleased with her presence, but Jupiter didn't seem to mind save for the woman's choice of words.

He watched - seething - whilst Jupiter continued to go through contractions. Was there a third child on the way out of her system? Surely there must be, or her body would have calmed by now. Sterling eyes drifted to the two children, one of which was of golden hues like Jupiter, the other a slate gray. He shifted and brought his muzzle to the gray, licking the child once before nosing him onto his side and examining his gender. "Male," he said with bravado. "Female," he would say after looking over the second golden child. He was trying his best to ignore the woman who had showed up - as he would have preferred this be a private moment.
