
Avalon Sibling Available!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-02-2016, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2016, 10:55 PM by Avalon.)

Yes, that's right! I got in touch with none other than the amazing Clash (Finally~) and I have been given permission to adopt out her inactive Ancora "pup" Orica!

I am going to be very picky with this, because the Ancora history is one that is so very extensive and important to some of us, that I want to make sure they go to the right player who will keep her Active and post her regularly.

Oricais the Littermate to Galileo & Avalon, older sister to Odette, Oracle, and Galahad. Her exact height was unknown, but she was at least of medium height with more dainty features, and of course the extra fluffy fur from her father. Her design was very similar to her mother Ocena, with the blue eyes but minus the blindness that their mother had. She also comes with a medic bag which can be found here. She had a pretty sweet and innocent personality, very curious and always concerned about her siblings as is natural for her caring nature. Her design can be seen Here. She is the tiny little pup on the far left, a near replica of her mother. (Then there's Avalon nomming their mommy's tail and Galileo on the far right) <3

Due to her being gone so long, please take a look at her old threads so you know what happened in the early days. It all pretty much happened during her first year of life, and a lot of it was pretty important since it involved old Glaciem (when Gargoyle was alpha) and the stuff that happened there. After that, there's at least 5(?) years of history that was never written (though I might have already come up with a few things to fill in the blanks). You can take a look at her old threads through her old profile Here

--I reserve the right to take back any of these adopts as I am pretty much the "guardian" of these siblings.
--Inactivity will result in you losing the adopt, and setting them inactive at any time will be an automatic forfeit.
--I want to see them Active! Meaning more than one post a month...preferably at least a post a week. Failure to comply and failure to post will result in me taking it back with or without warning.
--Designs are NOT to be changed in any way! So don't ask.
--Names are also to remain the same.
--They are not required to join Avalon's pack, though to be honest due to them having such close bonds when they were together, then it is highly likely that they will go wherever Avalon is.
--DO NOT apply if you feel like you won't have the time. These babies need to be loved and posted, not sitting around like pretty little wallflowers.

Again, I will be pretty picky with who gets one (or any of their kids should I add any), so don't get bummed if you don't get chosen.

Apps will be open until I find the right adopters, but please, if you start an app then you have 7 days to finish it. Otherwise it will be ignored and/or deleted and that's it.

<b>OOC Name</b>:
<b>Age</b>: 6 (born in summer)
<b>Appearance</b>: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
<b>Personality</b>: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
<b>RP Sample</b>: (I want to see how well you can write her)
<b>History</b>: What happened during the 6 year absence? Feel free to pm/skype me.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!