
Anger Management



6 Years
10-02-2016, 05:04 PM

The tri colored woman would size up the slightly younger but larger she wolf as she bolted up right and practically ran to close the distance between them. Apparently she was just as eager to entertain herself as Soleil was to get this frustration temporarily out of her system. Once more she wouldn't understand all of the words spoken to her and decided it was best if she just stay quiet this time around. She wasn't here to make friends after all. She would watch for a moment to examine the larger woman's stance before setting her own. Turquoise orbs scanned the other in hopes of finding any kind of weakness, though she was sure it looked like she couldn't decide to run or fight to the other wolf.

After a few seconds of scanning over the other female Soleil would set her stance as well. Her base would widen and her paws would splay on the ground beneath her for balance while her ears flattened to her skull to make them less of a target. Eyes would narrow and her head would drop just below shoulder level to protect her throat while at the same time her shoulders would roll forward scrunching up the scruff of fur and skin to help protect the back of her neck. Her legs would bend for quick easy movement with the added bonus of it put her stomach closer to the ground and further away from the dark woman's jaws and her tail would be held just high enough to help with her balance and movement but low enough to help keep it out of harms way as well. Finally her lips would pull back to bare her teeth at her opponent. She had come here to blow off some steam and damn it that's what she aimed  to do here today.

When the other woman didn't launch herself at her, Soleil would take the liberty of starting the spar. Quickly the tri colored woman would dart forward and to the left by and inch or two, attempting to close the ten foot gap between them with haste while staying low. The moment she got close her jaws would open wide and she would angle her jaws upward and to her right a bit in an attempt to snap down on the right underside of Ricochet's lower jaw where her upper and lower jaws connected while also attempting to dig the claws of her left front paw into Ricochet's chest as Soleil turned herself into the attack.

Soleil vs. Richochet for spar round 1 of 3

Injuries: N/A

Defenses:Her base would widen and her paws would splay on the ground beneath her for balance while her ears flattened to her skull to make them less of a target. Eyes would narrow and her head would drop just below shoulder level to protect her throat while at the same time her shoulders would roll forward scrunching up the scruff of fur and skin to help protect the back of her neck. Her legs would bend for quick easy movement with the added bonus of it put her stomach closer to the ground and further away from the dark woman's jaws and her tail would be held just high enough to help with her balance and movement but low enough to help keep it out of harms way as well.

Attack:Quickly the tri colored woman would dart forward and to the left by and inch or two, attempting to close the ten foot gap between them with haste while staying low. The moment she got close her jaws would open wide and she would angle her jaws upward and to her right a bit in an attempt to snap down on the right underside of Ricochet's lower jaw where her upper and lower jaws connected while also attempting to dig the claws of her left front paw into Ricochet's chest as Soleil turned herself into the attack.