
Disgrace ;



3 Years
10-02-2016, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2016, 05:00 PM by Faina.)
crap starter. sorry D:

Change. It was not something the ebony woman enjoyed and yet it seemed to happen time and time again. Her years were not halting, but instead moving forward - fast, and she simply could not get a grip on it. With her time now she found herself wandering up until finding this place. The cold being the main thing that drew her forth as she did not enjoy the heat of the sun beating against her back in any place, never mind one she did not know. Ebony lips pulled over ivory fangs to display her distaste and annoyance her paws sore from walking so much up until the point of her being able to do it no longer. The woman came to a halt with her smoldering hues now settled on the terrain before her. Large glaciers emerged from the earth to steal the suns ray's as the light illuminated off the light snow beneath her paws. It was then she found herself to look down at her own ivory mitts as they blended into the snow. The coolness beneath them made the swelling feel less painful and in turn her less irritable. With the wind blowing against her face and pelt she reclined back until she could feel the cold earth under her rump. Banner pulled across her hide and tucked closest to her hind paws to provide slight warmth.

There was little to nothing going through her mind - this place did provide some kind of peace and tranquility. Company was not something she often shared nor would she find herself to be anyone's entertainment. Faina was not usually a good acquaintance in most situations  she was very to herself and about herself to worry about the well being anyone else. Selfish perhaps, but it was what she had grown to learn and to become. No one ever put any effort to worry about her so why should she do the same? A heavy sigh formed within her breast before leaving her lips - the heat of her breath creating thick fog in the air. She would remain here for some time up until she found something better to do with her time.


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