
Chasing the sun



9 Years
10-03-2016, 02:30 AM

The brute listened with interest as she revealed the plans that she and Riv had made to go north for the time being. It seemed she wasn't sure how long; until they grew bored, she would say. He grinned in return to her. It certainly sounded like a big change from their responsibilities of the pack, and it must be a relief for them. After all, they were still so young, and there was a lot in life for them to explore and discover before they chose to settle down. They'd had their time fulfilling a role that was ahead of their time. Now was their time to be themselves for a while, to go about on whatever whim called to them. And perhaps they would just stay that way. Xephyris of course, could not relate - he needed a steady purpose, and he just couldn't be satisfied sticking by himself, or even with a companion. He needed a grander purpose, even if nobody else saw the grandness of it. As long as he felt like he was doing something more, then he would feel fulfilled.

"What a coincidence," he murmured with a small chuckle escaping him, "I will be heading north, as well. But I will be there to stay. Perhaps I'll see you both around. If you young folks ever get bored, or need a place to stay, you can always come knocking." His tail swished back and forth a few times as he spoke, the grin he wore still plastered to his face. Perhaps he couldn't convince her, or Riv, to join him today in this season. But maybe another time, once they'd had their alone time for long enough. Or, once they grew hungry and defenseless, and winter was upon them, they might decide that the lone life was not for them. Yet, they were resourceful young wolves, and they'd done a lot on their own from a very young age, so he wouldn't put it past them to take care of themselves just fine. It was just wishful thinking on his part that they might need him at some point.

"Care for a quick hunt together before I head off again?" sure, he was a busy man, but he wasn't too busy to stop for a bite to eat, especially if they could catch something of decent size to fill up on. If she wasn't interested, then he'd be on his way again, heading off to find other wolves to pester.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]