
Anger Management



4 Years
Extra large
10-03-2016, 07:44 AM

As Soleil hesitated, Ricky's ears began to raise in question as she wondered if the woman would accept her challenge, waiting for some kind of verbal response to her words. When none came and instead Soleil dropped her body and readied her balance, Ricky grinned and her ears plastered themselves back down to her crown. While Ricky would have enjoyed a bit of an exchange of bitching, she could certainly admire a woman who spoke with actions rather than words.

When Soleil erupted into a lowly postured run and quickly filled the ten foot gap between them, Ricky bent her elbows to lower her chest closer to the ground and anchored her toes into the soil further while anticipating a head-on attack. Heterochromic eyes watched carefully as she observed Soleil's chosen trajectory and as she moved to Ricky's right, Ricky's skull rotated so that her right ear went slightly downward to further protect her jugular just in case that was what she was aiming for. Ricky's mouth was still agape and waiting with her chin tucked to scrunch the flesh of her own neck, her eyes still narrowed and watchful, and her ears still pinned and protected. Her tail was still tucked, her hackles still raised, limbs evenly squared with hips and shoulders, but her weight was pushing more toward her chest now to keep it closer to the ground and anchored as she kept herself ready to deal with the impact that would come from Soleil.

Now, given that her chin was tucked and her mouth agape, she hadn't really expected Soleil to aim for her lower jaw, but as she saw it coming she kept her jaws in line with Soleil's as if she were aiming a pistol and following a moving target. Ricky began to lift her chin and watched Soleil's skull lower and aim to bite, a growl releasing from her own throat with ferocity. With Ricky's skull still turned slightly to the right, she had intent to allow her open mouth to meet the top of Soleil's muzzle before it had a chance to reach her jaw. She aimed for her top fangs to reach over the top of Soleil's nose on Soleil's left, while her bottom fangs aimed to puncture into Soleil's right-side chops (the fleshy bit of her cheek right above her fangs). If she managed to make contact with the flesh, it would be difficult to keep a hold considering Soleil's speed, but she would try to at least use Soleil's momentum against her by dragging her own teeth along the flesh of Soleil's muzzle, thus forcing her to move away or risk Ricky's teeth becoming dangerously close to Soleil's precious eyes;  Ricky's goal being to leave severe lacerations across the top of Soleil's snout and to deter her from trying to attack her jaw.

Ricky had been so focused on her opponent's teeth that she did not see the oncoming attack done by Soleil's left front paw. She felt the tip of her opponent's claws dig into the middle of her chest, her dense fur padding it some, though it would definitely leave mild lacerations and bruising. Once she felt it make contact, however, Ricky immediately pulled up her own left paw and would aim to hook it over Soleil's left leg and bring it down with a force, possibly worsening her own lacerations to her chest; but, given the awkward angle of Soleil biting to the RIGHT but using her LEFT paw in an attack, Ricky hoped to slam the paw down with her own on top of it and to do so with enough force that between Ricky's bite and the sudden change of position for Soleil's forelimbs, Soleil would ideally lose her balance and tumble right at Ricky's feet. At the very least, she hoped to leave some bruising or possibly broken toes beneath the crushing power of her own paw.

Soleil vs. Ricochet || Spar || Round 2/3

R for Ricky