
no time to bleed



7 Years
Extra large
10-03-2016, 10:29 AM

Disappointment hit him suddenly, like an invisible force knocking the wind right out of him - not that his expression gave any of that away. Neither of them had seen the children. He'd eyed each of them carefully, calculating their responses. If they were lying, even slightly, he was sure he might see some indicator, but nothing seemed off about their replies. They both offered that they knew of some Xanilovs, but not the ones he was seeking. A sigh hitched in his throat, though the sudden weight of disappointment slowly turned to steady resolve. He would find them, or he would die trying, and he had full intentions of living the rest of his days serving Valeriya and her children. Dying early would not further that cause. At the very least, the fact that some Xanilovs lived here gave him a glimmer of hope. With them, at least they would be safe, if they had gotten separated from the rest of the guards.

He murmured something in low appreciation as they spoke to him. "Thank you, ladies," he offered, dipping his head low to the ground in a slight bow before facing them each in turn. "Your time is appreciated. If you see anyone who fits the description I gave you, please let them know Diarmuid is looking for them. I wish you both well." Though he hadn't gotten much information out of them, it was better than bad information. He'd nod once again in a silent farewell, giving them each a final glance and imprinting their faces to memory before turning and heading the direction he had originally been intent upon.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid