
I'm in hiding



7 Years
10-03-2016, 11:13 PM

The tiny woman let out a soft sigh as she licked the boys cheek, nuzzling him tenderly. She didn't want to leave him, but his family was here and it sounded like they had things to work out. She would only get in the way, plus she had come here to gather herbs. She couldn't wander back with nothing to show from her trip! But as she turned to leave, Liar's voice called out to her. Perking, she turned around and tilted her head to the side. Would she stay? Well... she couldn't turn that down. Smiling she turned and trotted over to the little family, settling into the fluffy side of Vadim that was free. She gently leaned into his injured side, careful not to disturb his wounds. She listened as they talked a little bit, closing her eyes and just listened to his heart beat in his chest. He hoped he wouldn't be too upset with all this going on, she didn't even bother to ask what had even injured him. It just wasn't her place, she wanted to heal and that was all she was good for.

Everything was all fine and well until Liar turned to her and asked about Arian. Her entire body grew ridged and she leaned closer into Vadim, turning to hide her face in the fur of his chest. She fought back tears at her sisters name, her ears flat against her red chest. She didn't know what to say, her own chest constricting tightly. "Um..." she whispered, finally pulling herself away from the boy to peek at his father with her misty blue eyes. "She... she was my sister. Adopted, but I didn't see her as anything less than my sibling," her voice was soft, she she quickly shook her head back and forth to scatter the tears. She smiled a bit, letting out a struggled giggle. "But why do you ask? Were you a friend of hers?" It was still hard to think of Arian in past tense, it was a huge shock that she was gone from this world forever. Blinking rapidly, she tried to get rid of the tears and move on to better things.

Turning to the golden girl, she flashed a more convincing smile at her. "So, love! Ash, was it? What do you want to do when you grow up?" she asked, her muscled still tense through her entire body. But she was good at hiding her feelings, the only one who would be able to feel anything was Vadim, and that was only because she was pressed into him.
