
Let the temptation begin!



10 Years
10-03-2016, 11:13 PM

I have been working on and off on a sort of story-line for Caelum, and those who are close to her for some time now. In order to get things going finally I am needing to adopt out a few characters. Some are entirely new and you will have a great deal of freedom to make them your own so long as they fit within the story and can play their intended roles well. Others have some predetermined elements, but I will allow applicants for all of them to flesh things out in their own ways and get creative with their characters.

Please only apply if you are really interested in getting into the nitty gritty of the story and can promise you will be semi-active. I reserve the right to take back any characters that are adopted out if I feel you aren't meeting my requirements, even if it is one of Caelum's pups. I can and will take back characters and designs that are mine if they go inactive for a month with no explanation. Please consider that before you apply! Adopting one of these characters will mean that you agree to be involved in plotting with me and other people who own characters that are a part of the story, and I may start group chats to discuss plots so everyone knows what is going on. It is my ultimate goal to one day make this into a comic, so I reserve the right to make one based on events that play out here involving these characters.


Summary of Caelum's story so far

Caelum met her mate at a young age, likely around a year or year and a half. They spent a lot of time talking and playing and Caelum quickly fell in love with him. He grew into a tall, bruteish man, towering above her slender frame. Appearance-wise they were opposites, and some would say their personalities only just managed to compliment each other. Zephyr was very tough and he thrived on gaining the respect of others. Caelum however was a light-hearted and gentle soul. Others tended to gravitate towards her friendly and welcoming personality. Over time they set out to build their own pack, and though there were struggles they were quite successful.

Caelum was often the one who met and convinced other wolves to join their pack, with her infectious happiness and outgoing nature. That was how she met Inverno and several others who ended up joining the pack, which Zephyr had called the West Wind pack(the man had quite an ego and had named his pack after the meaning of his own name). Caelum had three litters with Zephyr, and it was around the time her last litter was born that her life suddenly took a turn.

Hiding in the surrounding woods had been a group of strangers, part of a tribe that worshiped dark entities and thought it their duty to eliminate all packs that did not hold the same beliefs. They struck in the dead of night, first taking down the guards who had been on watch that night, and then slowly moving through the territory and attacking anyone they saw before the alarm could be raised. By the time someone howled out a warning it was too late, most of the pack had been either killed of maimed horribly. Caelum had been out with the evening patrol and had left her oldest offspring and a pack member in charge of her den. She didn't get a chance to see who was who. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a stranger racing off, and in a rage she tore after them, hoping to catch them before they escaped. Zephyr saw her running and assumed she was simply leaving them.

(There is a bit more I had to keep short for the sake of not having a massive wall of text, and other details of the story and what happens next will be discussed once some people's apps are accepted. I mostly kept it to Cae's story but you will see how everyone fits once you get into the wall of text that are their info. I pity the souls who read all this.... sorrynotsorry.)

I will be separating them into groups in multiple replies for the sake of organization. I will provide a basic outline of what the character should be like, but remember that when you apply for one you will have freedom to alter them slightly, flesh them out and further develop the character as you see fit. Not everything is set in stone, and not everything has been written with the intention of allowing players to better connect with the character they adopt.

Application form

Name: Name of character you are applying for, can include ideas for names of unnamed characters, or a name change if you have another name in mind for a character. Just make sure you specify who you are applying for so i don't have to guess.
Age: Easy enough. I leave ages flexible for most characters so let me know what you think works.
Gender: If applicable for characters who I haven't decided on.
Appearance: Flesh out provided outline, or develop yous own ideas for looks. If you ask real nice I can do sketchy designs for characters I have not provided a sketch of already, or I can help design any of the pup adopts bc let's be honest I love designing.
History: Fleshed out history. Go into more depth than what I've provided, give the lowdown on what this character has gone through so far.
Future plans: Ideas for further plots, plans, anything you think could happen in this crazy story that involves this character.
RP sample: Easy enough.
Why you want the character: Explain what draws you to them, why you want them specifically. Will help me decide if you will be committed enough to them.
Design refs if you want to use/make your own: Link the design you wish to use, or tell me if you want me to design something.
Other details or ideas: Anything you come up with that will add more to the character, or just thoughts you want to add. Can be formatted like the details I put in the outlines.

[b]Future plans:[/b]
[b]RP sample:[/b]
[b]Why you want the character:[/b]
[b]Design refs if you want to use/make your own:[/b]
[b]Other details or ideas:[/b]