
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:31 AM by Yin.)

The water was freezing. It had to be the coldest water she had ever encountered in her life. What the hell had she been doing at the beach in the middle of the night, during winter of all seasons. Obviously, she desperately needed her brother to function because this entire mess could have been avoided if she had just gone somewhere else. But no, here she was, fighting for her life and the life of Hansel, a man she barely met, against a foe she had never encountered in her life and one she wished to never encounter again.

The water engulfed her, dragging her beneath its dark depths. It clogged her ears and her nose, drowning out every sight and sound, essentially blinding her. She didn't like this feeling. It was unnerving. Was this what it felt like to be dead? She hoped this wasn't the way she would go. What a horrible way to die; being drowned. Her body reacted instinctively, limbs pushing her away from the beast as they kicked in the water, bringing her ivory crown to break the surface of the water. Yin gasped and spluttered, water falling from her nose as she struggled to catch her breath, limbs kicking at the water to keep her above the surface. She could see the creature waiting at the shallow water for her to reappear, waiting for her so it could tear her limb from limb. But it wasn't going to get its wish today.

As she struggled in the water she saw Hansel's dark figured launch itself towards the beast, taking a similar position as the one she had held before they had all ended up in the water. She watched him maul the thing's ears and essentially blind it with its own blood. This was her chance. Taking advantage of the fact that the water had number her bleeding shoulder, Yin paddled her way back onto the shore, ivory paws hitting solid ground before launching her forward towards the beast. A snarl twisted her fa?ade as agape jaws found purchase on the thing's vulnerable throat, clamping down tightly as warm blood gushed into her mouth. Yin held on for dear life, talons sinking into its belly as she struggled to keep a good grip as she attempted to avoid more claws to her shoulders.

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