
Let the temptation begin!



10 Years
10-04-2016, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2016, 08:40 PM by Caelum.)
Last but not least, the pups!
I will be happy to draw designs for them and I will link two open designs I have already for anyone interested. You may also bring in your own if it works well and resembles at least one parent

Available designs for pups: One!  Two!  Taken by Andro for Eura  Four!  

There will be a few pups who survived. They can only be from Caelum's first two litters as all of the last one died in the raid. They can be either four or three years old. They may have heard their father's account of the attack if they ran into him ever (almost entirely impossible, so most meetings between involved characters will take place in character after they are adopted.) but they will not have heard from Caelum or know she is alive.

They must combine their parents colors or strongly resemble one parent in some way.  I think more of the base coats are white, so a lot of the pups resemble Cae in color but zephyr's sea-foam green eyes show up more in the pups than Cae's blue. Personalities may vary but all should be towards the good alignment. Please be as detailed in your applications as possible! Much of their stories will be untold so you have a lot of freedom to decide what has happened to them. Also know that there will be a family reunion of sorts and much drama involved with them in the future.

A last note is that you don't have to use any of the names listed in Caelum's profile if you don't want. I will be updating her profile after the pups are adopted since she hasn't spoken of them in character. I imagine at least the first litter was fairly large so I will add filler names for pups who are deceased. Also names can be nature themed, Caelum's I believe is Latin and has to do with the sky/heavens. Zephyr means the west wind so play off of those if you like.