
Let the temptation begin!


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
10-04-2016, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2016, 05:12 PM by Shrapnel.)
Done! So long ;_; I'm sorry for the long read, I've never written this much for a char before lol

Name: Asha
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Appearance: 28" 60 lbs

Asha is really sort of a dainty looking thing at first glance. She's got the slim appealing figure of a female while not being the shortest of her species either. She's got very pronounced hips and the rest of her bones like to peek out at the more pointier bits of her appearance. She's far from unhealthy and actually keeps herself very well fed - she just has a high metabolism that burns through anything she eats and thus she has a very nice and slim figure. Her stomach curves in slightly and her chest and neck is probably the widest part of her which honestly isn't very wide at all. She's narrow, sleek, and has long thin legs than almost seem very much like a maned wolf, yet she isn't quite that tall. Even her paws are tiny, narrow, thin, and very pronounced.

Long silky fur drapes over her in an elegant sort of way (though she is anything but) and her appearance makes her seem like everything she's not. Her fur isn't very thick and certainly isn't meant for colder climates, but it's smooth like the soft down of bird feathers and is like touching the nicest of satin. It's thickest and longest around her neck, on her chest, and around her tail before it thins out and shortens everywhere else.

Nothing about her has any color to it whatsoever. Her eyes are a glacial silver color that peer out past a medium gray base coat. Her face is nothing but the darkest of ebony before it faces out towards her cheeks and her forehead. Her ears pick back up the onyx before the gray takes over. Her silt-like legs start as black by her paws and fade as they go up towards her elbows and knees and her tail is fashioned in similar taste. The most unique feature about her is the dark random speckles that scatter across her coat which is like a reminder of darker colored ash falling from a volcano to kiss her pretty pelt.

Her posture is nothing to gawk at. Her eyes scream defiance at every turn and overall she has a very uncaring and laid back kind of way of walking. She's very reckless in her motions and often had a tendency to be clumsy if she isn't paying attention. Nothing about her is elegant and yet she certainly gives off that appearance while standing still. Overall she's a walking contradiction to her personality.

Personality: (I want to flesh out her personality a lot if I get her c:)

Asha wants to believe that she's bigger than she seems.

She's got "little wolf syndrome" even though that's probably not even a thing. She knows that, in reality, she's not very big and so she tries to make up for it with her personality. She has a bit of an ego and takes pride in her ability to come out with witty sarcastic remarks. She's an intelligent being and likes to try and figure other wolves out - to her its a game to play. Why do they do the things they do? It's fun for her to determine exactly what another is like, how they'll react to situations, how easy they are to piss off, how to test their patience, their limits, and overall anything about them. If she figures it out fast she's very easily bored, but if you're a mystery then that's where the fun is. Stoic, cold, and otherwise reserved characters intrigue her. For her they're a harder puzzle to solve and she'll spend most of her time trying to unlock the mysteries that lie beneath their mask. She takes pride in being able to crack it and feels an immeasurable sort of pride in it.

To put things simply though Asha doesn't get along well with her own gender. While she does take pride in being able to read wolves, she has a severe dislike for females in general. She finds it hard to click well and often times doesn't agree with half the things they do. There's really no reason for this except she fits in more with males. She doesn't believe she's a male, she knows painfully well that she's more feminine, and yet conversation and fun comes more naturally while around the opposite sex. For the most part she tries to avoid females (unless they're pups) and will often seek out the company of a male than anything else. She tends to be quite awkward around her own gender and more often than not will look for an opportunity to leave their presence if it's presented.

Asha is not tactful. Asha can be an asshole. Asha... well she's Asha. She's got a sarcastic mouth to her and has no filter at all when it comes to what she says. Anything and everything will spill from her and she has little care if you take offense to it. She comes off as abrasive in some cases and more times than not ends up offending those in her company. She's as reckless and wild as a tornado and often doesn't feel remorse for her actions (if at all.)

While she's an intelligent creature she doesn't often think before she acts for things. She lets her body decide what she does first which gets her in more trouble than most her age. Her wild temperament hasn't slowed down at all and one might even call her immature in most cases. She's reckless, free, untamable, and she takes pride in her independence. She has a tendency to avoid packs as she doesn't like authority very much and she's very challenging. Asha is a hot head by nature and due to her lack of a filter she can be quite vulgar in her language (so children beware.) She's not a very good influence and more times than not, if you piss her off, she's quite snippy and has no problem using her teeth.

She's brazen, she's fearless, she's brash - she has a stupid kind of courage to her that screams trouble. While most would step away from any sort of danger where pain is the out come, Asha takes it in stride and faces it head on. She's careless with her actions and has no sense of fear where herself is concerned. She'll do something wild and stupid and laugh about it later and all the while enjoy the thrill it gives her. To put it short she tends to be an adrenaline junkie and enjoys the rush it gives her.

She wants to believe she's a fighter at heart. She's a spitfire with an idiotic kind of crazy nature. She's a trouble maker and she knows it. She has a dislike at being looked down upon and enjoys proving others wrong just ot rub it in their faces later. She knows she's tiny and therefore she aims to seem bigger than she appears.

She can be loyal to those who have proven themselves worthy though. If she warms up to you you have a joyful little spitfire who would go to hell and back just to make you happy. There's a lot of good in her heart if you can take the time to drag it out of her. Once you've gained her affection there's no going back - you're stuck with her forever.
History: When Zephyr came into her life he was a god send. Automatically she took to the male and she found herself attracted to his personality so it was an easy decision joining his pack. Life wasn't as enjoyable when she ran into Caelum for the first time. Somehow the female saw right through her which irritated the hell out of her. Overall most of her animosity towards the female came from a myriad of things ranging from jealousy over Zephyr, dislike for authority figures, and her general dislike of females altogether.

The thing about her was she was friends with just about anyone who she wanted to be friends with. Pups were easy for her to play with - her immature nature made her a good target to be able to relate to kids. Even wolves outside of the pack she befriends and she had little care as to who it was. It was easy for her to befriend the wolves who raided the pack, but of course she'd had no prior knowledge of it until the after math, but that came later.

Since pups were so easy for her to get along with (they were so readable with their personalities) there was one in particular she enjoyed seeing. He was a playful little guy with so much spirit and enthusiasm for everything. Naturally, in the strange reckless way she always did things, it was easy for them to go to the flooded nearby river. It had just stormed and the waters raged through angrily and all terrifying. The kid seemed a little leery about it but still Asha managed to convince him to play the game. There was a log that stretched across the river - it was a ragged and moss covered thing and very slippery from the constant spray of water. She danced across it eagerly and taunted the boy when she got to the other side as she dared him to cross it too. He was hesitant at first but with Asha's prodding he still did it.

He was halfway across when things went wrong.

He was still young and certainly didn't have the same stength and confident stability that older wolves had. All it took was one slip and he went tumbling into the river. Shell shocked, Asha was unable to move until it hit her that he was drowning. She had howled for help yet dived in anyways. She managed to save the boy from dying that day, but the damage was done. Her reckless nature hadn't gone unnoticed and ultimately Caelum banished her from the pack. Angry and regretful she tried to leave, but she hung around for a little bit. Some part of her believed it was a joke and that if she waited long enough she'd be allowed back when Zephyr came back.

She never got that chance to return home though. She had been gone for the most part of it, out hunting really, but when she'd came back the rabbit fell from her jaws. Most wolves lay dying or horribly maimed as she trotted through the after math of the battle. How could something so horribly drastic have happened in such a short amount of time. The worst part of it was she recognized some of the scents which scared her more. While she'd been angry at Caelum for kicking her out she certainly hadn't wished this upon the entire pack. Out of fear mostly she fled that day, unable to think of what else she could do and not wanting to be blamed for the catastrophe that transpired that night.

Future plans: I want her to meet up with Caelum at some point and halfway work their shit out (though I doubt they will fully) and I definitely want her to see Zeph again at some point. She'll be a trouble maker, I know that much, and I want her to be bring in all sorts of fun mischief plots that get her and whoever she's with in trouble. I want her to be fun and brave and most of all I want other people to enjoy threading with her as much as I'm sure I'll love posting with her.

RP sample: For the sake of the rp I'm gonna make the name of the unnamed char Ches (though now that I think about it he could make a nice adopt too c: )

It was early morning when Asha awoke. Her sleep tended to fluctuate and today it seemed as though it was one of those "early bird gets the worm" kind of days. She had no problem waking up and after a good stretch she was up and ready to go. A quick breakfast was all the time she needed to wait to see if any of the kids were awake. After scarfing down the rabbit she'd hunted she excitedly looked for her favorite pup to be around. He was a young and boisterous boy with the kind of energy that clashed well with her own. They seemed to click really well and overall she thoroughly enjoyed Ches' company despite him being a bit younger than herself. He wasn't even a year old yet and still it seemed she had no problem dragging the younger wolf into all sorts of adventures. Now that she thought about it, she realized she could be very persuasive when she wanted to be.

She sneakily headed off towards the family's den. She peered into it - the dim lighting barely illuminated the mouth of the cave as the sun slowly tried to creep into the sky. She could see Ches' sleeping form and she softly woofed to get his attention. The boy's head rose slowly and a grin crept along her mouth as she realized how tired he was. As soon as Ches realized who was at the mouth of their den though he quickly bounded to his feet and met her outside.

"Hey Asha, what are you doing here?" he asked her curiously and eyed her with a mischievous smile. She grinned back at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "We're gonna go on another adventure, but it's a surprise, okay?" He seemed to accept her invitation so she easily whisked him silently away from his den. Her onyx paws squished softly in the mud beneath them, yet she found she didn't mind getting dirty. Today was supposed to be a fun day so she certainly didn't mind the need to take a bath later. It'd been raining more than a lot and she'd already gotten a good look at the river. The same log that always ran across it still seemed like a fun little dare and she couldn't wait to get there.

They arrived quickly enough and she glanced back at Ches to see him gaping at the enraged river. Flooding was an understatement and it rushed past them angrily. It was barely confined anymore, but she felt no fear while staring at it. Hopping up on the log was an easy thing for her to do. She'd done it a million times by now and her claws found easy purchase on the slick and slightly decaying wood. Ches eyed her more nervously now but she beamed at him encouragingly. "it'll be fine, I promise Ches. I've done this loads of times." She assured him before dancing across it haphazardly. Once she was almost all the way across she hopped down the the muddy earth below and whirled to look at the other bank where he stood. "Come on!" She goaded. "Unless you're a chicken!" She teased.

Ches gave her a sly look and seemed to be more than determined to prove that he was indeed no a chicken. So he hopped a little bit more carefully than she had up on the log. His legs shook slightly as he slowly sound his balance and finally, one step after another, he began to cross. He seemed so focus that she could only watch him with an open mouthed grin. She had ideas of all the mud puddles they could romp in together once he got across. She'd barely noticed it when one foot slipped on a slick patch of lichen. It happened so fast that her grin slowly faded as she took a minute to realize what was happening. One minute he'd been there and the next... well he was in the river. His head had been above the water and then it poofed as if he'd never been there at all.

In a panic now, which was a mostly rare occurrence, she howled for help. It was the only thing she could think of to do if she wasn't able to save him. It took no thought at all to launch herself into the river after him. The rough current tore at her and she had issues staying afloat. So she let it drag her under and she searched for him. Her head broke free again as she came up for air and she frantically searched for her friend. There! Ches' form bobbed up from underneath the current for a moment and she padded furiously to get to him. Clamping onto the nape of his neck, she got a good lock on his scruff and refused to let go and they were torn dangerously down-river. She did her best to get to the bank, but the waters were too strong for her scrawny body to fight. It wasn't until they bashed into a rock that she finally managed to stop them both from going any further.

By that point the pack had already begun to catch on that something was wrong. A few braved the waters to come help them and not even ten minutes later they were both on dry land once again. Heaving from the effort and feeling as though someone had dropped a tree on her and then tried to drown her, she could only stare at Ches as they managed to pump the water from his lungs. Guilt and regret was all she could feel until finally he started breathing once again. It wasn't until after he'd been led to the den that Caelum turned on her.

She hadn't liked the woman to begin with, but she really didn't like her now as she stared defiantly at the angry woman. She didn't need her upset with her to know that she'd made a mistake, but for once she kept her mouth shut and listened with her ears pinned back against her soaking wet skull as Cae laid into her about how irresponsible and reckless she was. How she'd almost killed an innocent boy, and her expression didn't change until the word "banished" was used." What?! She couldn't banish her! It was a mistake, an accident, she hadn't done it on purpose. "I didn't mean to!" She stamped angrily, but Caelum didn't budge and in the end she was chased from the pack lands with tears in her eyes and nothing but anger, hurt, and despair. How could such a perfect morning end in such a disaster?

Why you want the character: Because I feel like I can connect with her soooo well. She seems like so much fun to write with and I love the witty, spitfire, gung-ho kind of characters that are so chaotic. I love that she acts first and maybe thinks later and I can relate to that on so many levels. Overall I can see her stirring up so much shit in both Cae's life and everyone else's and I can imagine she'll still be super sore about Cae kicking her out of the pack so there's that c:

Design refs if you want to use/make your own: NOPE

Other details or ideas: If anything needs to be changed please let me know!