
We were kind've heroes, wicked little machines.

Vadim I


3 Years

10-04-2016, 12:52 AM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Ha! It worked, he felt his right heel shut his brother's jaws before they met the ground again and he radiated in a feeling of pride as a result. He had a mischievous grin on his face as his neck remained level with his spine but twisted to look back at his brother as best as he could. Haha, he'd been so clever, Ramsay didn't see it coming, aaah it was great!

He'd been gloating a little bit too long, it seemed. He heard Ramsay's words ring out, 'You left your butt unprotected!' Oh no. His eyes went wide in an instant as he felt the impact of his brother's slam into his right thigh with a force that would surely leave a bit of bruising and also push him forward just a little. His puppy toes gripped the soil as he tensed up to keep himself from falling like some sort of toddler, boy that would be humiliating. Almost as humiliating as being bit on the butt by your favorite brother. Oh wait. The nip that came to his tail base made him drop his bum almost immediately, letting it hit the soil as he sat to keep his brother from being able to bite it anymore. He couldn't believe Ramsay had just been able to do that, and immediately he erupted into childish laughter.

With his rump already in the soil, the boy decided to roll to the left and get onto his back and use his limbs as his weapons. He kept his mouth open as he laughed, still barring his fangs at his brother now that he could see him better as his tail remained curled between his hind legs. He aimed his hind paws for the middle of his brother's chest, talons scraping a little though not at all sharp enough to leave any sort of lacerations. He just wanted a bit of soreness and returned bruising for what had been done to his butt! His little heart raced as he continued to laugh and growl, his forelimbs outstretched toward Ramsay's face as if he was some sort of boxer and was using them to protect his own.

Honestly, by now, he had nearly forgotten that this was supposed to be fight training and he had no knowledge of his defenses while on the ground and belly up. Right now he was just focused on having fun! Bring it, brother!

Ramsay vs. Vadim || Fight Training || Round 3/3
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[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]