
I Walk Alone...


06-19-2013, 05:27 PM
Dust blew across the ground in front of the Males path. The afternoon sun beat down on him since he left the shade of the forest some time ago. He knew not where he was going, or where he was. He had no sole purpose right now...not since the disappearance of Ellone some time ago. Step after step he trudged on, grim expression always adorning his face. Not a friend to be found, not one to be made. Nothing new to him though. Others always treated him differently, like an outcast. A loner. Never accepted even as a kid among other boys his age. An orphan at just a couple months old. It was winter then, just as it was now. His tracks followed him everywhere he went. The Lone Wolf no longer had anyone to care for, and nobody to care about him. That's how it always was. That's how it always would be. His heart had closed itself off from the world, from feelings. He was who he is now. Thanks to the corruptions of his past.

Dust swirled around the warrior, bringing with it the scent of blood. Narrowing his eyes, he pressed his nose to the ground and scented the stained dirt. Blood. Lots of it. Looking around, he noticed the ground was stained here and there with bleached patches of flattened grass, and faded hues of what was once the fresh blood of another being. Rocks had dark cherry stains of the metallic liquid, and every other bush and nook held a tuft of fur...if it wasn't rolling across the ground like a tumbleweed in this wasteland. Narrowing his eyes against the dust that blew, he continued to investigate the stained plains. Each time a new discovery of a bone, or carrion, or even a torn piece of flesh that had long been rotted by the sun. He stopped near a large swath of boulders that dripped with blood...fresher this time then what he had previously seen.
"What the Hell is this place?"