
I'm just like you baby, I'm on the HUNT.



2 Years
10-07-2016, 11:12 AM
ooc:  sneaking in a quick post before I leave.  I will be back Tuesday and I'll see if I can get another post in late in the evening.  I'm going to speed it up a bit and have Dag pick a target so you guys can get the hunt part going while I'm away.  :)

The gold-eyed woman introduced herself as Reina and Dagmær's eyes lit up at the mention of a bison sighting.  Perfect!  Dag would nod. "Aye, I find this a promising choice." The were in the Buffalo Knolls after all.  It seemed a shame to hunt anything other than the beasts whose deaths gave the place its very name.  Dag would casually glance to Elias and Eliana.  She wonder if the quiet woman was terribly shy, preferred to keep to herself or had a physical limitation that forced her to be so silent.  

Either way it was Elias that would address her and she would quickly give him her attention as he hashed out the deal.  She mulled his words over for a moment then nodded.  "Yes, this bargain pleases me.  I accept."  It would be a chore to haul the items back to Ivory Ridge but the skins and bones would be of little interest to scavengers and she knew Birna was lurky around Imperium's old packlands somewhere.  She was certain she could recruit the older woman's help.

She would glance to Reina. "I am willing to work out a deal with the bones but I do not wish to make concessions on the hide." With winter coming the hide was of critical value where as the bones were merely a start to a suggested set of goods.

Elias would take command of the hunt and begin to instruct them and she would grin and nod at his words.  She would get to pick?  Excellent! "Sounds like a plan to me" The man's strategy was an interesting one.  She'd never been in an ambush style hunt for buffalo before.  When she was Imperium they mostly just ran the beasts down, separating and picking off a straggler or maneuvering one down a steeper part of the knolls to its death.  Dagmær made a mental note to pay close attention.

Following Reina's instructions Dagmær would move swiftly and silently across the land, her movements muffled by the sound of wind through the grass.  They'd have to watch the wind.  No doubt their scent might cause the animals to get restless and she didn't want to ruin the ambush.  Soon the wind brought with it the scent of bison and as she carefully crested a nearby knoll and peered down into the shallow valley a herd of bison stretched out before them.  Her eyes would greedily look between them and she wondered how ambitious her hunting mates were.  The healthiest beasts would have the nicest pelts but that went against her instinct to hunt for the injured and sick though she felt fairly certain she could find one close to the middle…. ahhhh… bingo.  

Dagmær's sight narrowed in on a pregnant cow.  They were in the tail end of breeding season so it made sense to her that there might be a few fall calves waiting to be brought into the world.  She was also fond of two for the price of one.  She glanced to Elias and gestured toward the cow, whispering quietly. "That one.  That pregnant cow loitering on the west side of the herd."

Walk, "Talk" Think