
You must be out your mind



10 Years
10-07-2016, 09:43 PM
She smirked at Faite's words, nodding in agreement. The beasts would likely give anyone who pursued them whole bunch of trouble if they didn't have the numbers to take one down. Unfortunately for her stomach she had decided such would be the case for herself whether or not she felt particularly brave. Even if Faite was interested in a hunt they wouldn't be able to catch such massive beasts, so she forced herself to put them out of her mind. There were more interesting things to discuss anyways.

She was glad she's taken the opportunity to introduce Inverno into the conversation. He'd seemed like he didn't want to just butt in uninvited, though she could hardly think of a situation where she wouldn't welcome his company, even if she was speaking with someone. Glancing between her companions she paused to listen to their words. So there was at least one existing pack here. Hearing this made her realize how much - or how very little - she knew of the lands she had been staying in.

Eventually she responded to their respective words in a thoughtful tone, "Hm. I hadn't heard of any packs here, though I suppose now that I think about it I've never taken the time to ask anyone about those who live here. What is your pack like, if you don't mind my asking?" Caelum found the whole subject very interesting now that it was on her mind. A sense of gladness washed over her when she considered that if her path hadn't crossed with Faite she might not have had the sense to ask anyone else these questions.

She smiled at the idea of the other woman's ambition to start a pack. It felt like an eternity since she had gone on a journey to do the same thing so many years ago, and though she didn't like to think of it for long she did have to smile at the thought of her younger self, so full of ambition. "Oh, starting a pack is no easy task, I agree. Not just assembling members, but establishing your leadership. It's easy to be a friend, but being an alpha brings a lot of tough choices with it." she mused. Soon her smile darkened though as her own words brought on a memory of one such choice she had been forced to make. Indeed, it wasn't easy to start a pack, and it didn't necessarily get easier as you went.

When Inverno posed the question about how many packs there were she forgot her previous thoughts and nodded, also curious to know about the packs who lived here. Knowing more about where they were staying could only be a good thing.