
Catch more flies with honey



2 Years
10-08-2016, 01:50 PM

This ordeal was very confusing for the girl. She wasn’t sure why she was getting an uneasy feeling, the older girl seemed nice enough. She was smiling, but when it came to the topic of monsters her brows shot up. Was she calling herself a monster, or all wolves? Were monsters like bears, or was that just another name for their species? But the pale girl seemed to understand that she was confused, snapping her teeth and growling. Despite trying to be brave, Ashelynn jumped slightly as her hackles stood on end. Oh, monsters. Bad things, bad strangers. Swallowing hard against the lump that started to grow in her throat, listening with pinned ears as she said that they were too strong for her to fight. She made the motion of running, and her brows furrowed at that. She appreciated her making sure she understood, but she wasn’t stupid. A shuddering sigh left her lips, her tongue flicking out to nervously lick at her lips. She was pretty fast, but she didn’t like the implications that this pup was laying down. She suddenly felt the urge to do just that; run. This whole conversation was twisting down a path that made her feel nervous. But she refused to show that she was weak, so rolling her shoulders forward she focused on her drawn brows, her lips wanting to twitch down into a frown. But he feigned an innocent look, even though she was failing at least she was trying. She would not come off as a baby to this wiser, obviously smarter big kid. She wasn’t even that much older! Or so she thought.

She asked where her mother was, and her whole act dropped. She slumped slightly, her shoulders sagging. She had no idea where her mom was, or even where she was. The other wolf said that she was old enough to not need a parent, but that Ashelynn was. "I not that little..." she whispered, her silver eyes following as her head shot skyward. It was a mannerism that seemed like she thought she was the coolist kid around. But compared to Ashe, she probably was. Snorting, she sat down and tried to mimic the girl, her own nose pointing towards the sky as she let out a soft huff. It was kind of fun, an act that made her nerves settle a little bit. "I no need anyone, either," she insisted. At least her voice sounded a little more strong this time.

"Talk" -- "SPEAK SPANISH" -- Think