
Hajime pups! x3



5 Years
10-08-2016, 07:31 PM
I tried to adopt him out long ago, but it didn't work out. Darrah hasn't been posted since 2015 so I'm going to try and get him out again ^^ Dragon eventually plans to bring back their brother Levi so there is also that!

Darrah Walker is one of the male pups from the Hajime x Elsa litter I played Hajime their father. Their mother died giving birth to them for a short while Raisa Xanliov welped these pups until Hajime took them and went to Abaven after Raisa's disappearance. Where in turn Hajime fell off a cliff to his death before they even turned a year old. The litter spent their childhood in abaven with Quelt as a sort of foster father along with his ex mate irune until Quelt basically.... vanished out of their lives.

Darrah was the only pup who remained in abaven after his siblings scattered. He was in a sorts like a son to Bass - they were close and Bass was in charge of his training.

Darrah like Renhett when he was young was very sick so they USED to be close siblings in the den due to their sickness. With Renhett looking to go back into Abaven there is also that ^^

He already has a set appearance and personality, so if you wish to change the personality let me know what you want to change and why within the time he was gone! He was a year old when he left and the siblings are all now 5 years old with autumn here.

Here is Darrah's profile (for his appearance and personality)CLICK and I would prefer a name change as I will be doing the same with Aiko.


I'm also adopting out Aiko. As per Keno's request her name has to change ^^ Aiko was the runt and at a medium height. However as sickly as she was she stuck to Allen Walker her uncle like glue so where ever he was she was for a majority of her life. Vaguely we remember she was a black wolf with brown ears, then three white paws and white under her eyes. Her eyes were a reddish orange color. Her personality was more reserved she also was stopped being played at 1 year old so what she did is up to you.

Her old account is blank but you might be able to read her threads Click


Lastly there is Ixionn Walker Click He was played more recently than the others and stopped being played at 3 years of age. I'm not entirely sure what went on with him so you might want to touch up on some of his old threads. He was the princely type though, he knew Arian and at one point was heir to a pack(can't remember whose)

you can change his name or keep it that's up to you.

Appearance: 200 words
Personality: 200 words
History: what happened in their absence
Changes: changes to personality of slight
Rp sample: at least 150 words

I'll personally make tables for all these guys. They have no end date, just make sure you get your application done within 7 days.