
turn off all the lights



7 Years
06-19-2013, 06:27 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ah, so he was one of those who preferred the animals who took to the land rather than those who were confined to water. She was not unfamiliar with the preference, knowing many who had never even tasted fish let alone developed a liking for them. She was a rarity, she had decided, among her kind, one of the few who enjoyed fish about as much as she did hare or deer. But that was perfectly fine with her; all the more for her to eat. "To each, his own," she replied with a nod of acceptance, having long ago relinquished any desire to make others share in the delicacies that she enjoyed. Sometimes there was no changing someone's opinion.

The dark colored male tested her name, the word murmured as if a breath, and with a languid stride he moved a little closer to her through the pools. He was intriguing to say the least. The fact he was cloaked so heavily in darkness made her naturally curious about his character, though at the same time made her wary. So did the fact he stood taller than she did, a brawny beast whose serious demeanor did not make his presence any more comforting to those exposed to it. Was it his intent to play the mysterious card so well? Did he enjoy appearing dark and foreboding and unsettling those in his path?

Perhaps just briefly her mask faltered, the mixture of curiosity and uncertainty visible within her golden eyes, but as the shadow addressed her yet again, it fell solidly back into place. There was something about his curiously inflected words that struck her, caught her attention, and it took her a brief moment to realize it was interest. Vanity caused her smile to change, to curve a little more noticeably, flattered that someone had finally taken notice of her. She took too much pride in her own appearance to ignore the slight she had been given all this time by going overlooked, and was perhaps a little too ready to accept the attention of this wolf for it.

"No one," she admitted, confidently looking his way with a gentle tilt of her chin. It was mostly for show as he did still unsettle her oddly, but she was reluctant to let him see it. "Though I seem to do fine on my own." His words reminded her of the mate she had once had, the dull, stupid creature who had gotten himself killed in a silly, preventable accident. He, too, had thought her a delicate thing, someone to be sheltered and protected, but he had failed to even protect himself. Truthfully, she missed the feeling, the sense of being precious to someone else, but in good time she hoped to find it again. And though she truly did enjoy the attention of this male, this was all for fun. She still preferred to find someone within her pack, someone who would always be there with her and who she wouldn't have to go searching to find. She was far too possessive and clingy to have things otherwise.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier