
Night, and the spirit of life



6 Years

10-09-2016, 06:39 AM
Steel expected someone to answer his call, but he was too focused on Esarosa to dwell over it too much. As soon as his howl concluded, he turned back to her quickly. He continued to struggle to catch his breath as she rode out the contractions - he could see them visibly wracking her body. Still, she managed to smile between it all, though it was soon replaced with a grimace of pain. Concerned laced his face as a slight frown tugged at his lips, feeling more helpless than he could've imagined. He wanted to help, so badly, but he knew nothing he could do would ease her pain. This was simply part of life, and she would have to endure it.

He had no doubt that she would do so beautifully. She'd always been courageous and fierce, ever since the first day he met her, and his crimson gaze softened as he studied her. They wouldn't be time for a healer to come, she said. Damnit. If anyone could do this on her own, it was Esarosa, he was sure of that. He clenched his jaw, moving behind her and pressing his snout to the back of her neck. While he wanted to give her space, and didn't know exactly what she needed, he wanted to be there to comfort her and support her.

Darkness settled quickly upon them, as the gain grew greater and steadier. Everything happened so suddenly - and somehow, so easily - that he half wondered if he might be dreaming. Before he knew it, he heard shuffling and crying and he felt his heart surge with joy and nervousness alike. He wasn't sure he ever loved Esarosa as much as he did in this moment; his head lifted to watch them on her other side, his nose occasionally touching her neck to remind her of his constant silent presence. Her instincts were strong, and she dealt with them as easily as she had the pain, and one by one they were born.  She did everything with such certainty, while he simply laid there, wide-eyed and stunned. They were beautiful, though it was hard to really see their features in the darkness and with Esarosa doting over them to clean them and then pushing them to suckle.

He swore he felt tears well in his eyes as her body relaxed, no longer tense with contractions. He'd never really been one to cry, but it felt like he could at any moment. Steel breathed heavily, relieved and elated, overwhelmed entirely.  "They're perfect," he agreed easily, nodding slowly as he laid his head on her back, eyeing them with awe.  "And you're perfect." He had nothing more to say.. he exhaled softly as he lay there with her, basking in the warmth of the moment with her and their three perfect children.