
Death Of An Assassin


06-19-2013, 06:36 PM

thank you shrap ♥

Her shoulder impacted its initial target, vehemently slamming into the renegade?s chest, her momentum failing her as Cyanide remained rooted to the earth, refusing to budge or be shoved backwards into the mud that the pale fiend intended to make a merciless grave out of. The effort may have been for naught, but the wraith would not be disheartened with the results of the battle thus far ? no; the dance had just begun and she would be granted her opportunity to extract the traitor?s blood before the final stroke of the clock announced the demise of a militant and the conclusion of valorous combat. In the case that her skull should roll across the arena in deathly defeat, she would ensure the traitor would carry wounds in commemoration of her fallen and fierce competitor ? there was no doubt in the ardent wraith?s mind of this.

Incisors pierced the thick flesh upon her adversary, failing to inflict the intended damage and potential elimination of Cyanide?s forelimb as her jaws connected with the lower portion of the assassin?s chest ? such a petty consolation for missing her calculated target. The wench would remain true to her intentions, however, and as soon as she had lodged her canines as far as they would penetrate beneath the flesh of her opponent, her jaws would unhitch in an abrupt fashion, she?d backpedal a step, and she?d wrench her skull back, elevating it slightly to its former orientation in alignment with her spinal cord just in time to face the retaliation of her larger opponent. A dull sting of pain briefly emanated from the midsection of her neck as Cyanide latched her teeth into the loose fur lining it there, missing the intended target of Morphine?s nape courtesy of the witch?s slight retreat and bunching the fur lining Morphine?s neck upwards in the direction of her crown and away from the sinewy muscle and bone of her spine.

Not wanting to keep her opponent?s teeth lingering beneath the dense fur upon her neck for too long, immediately she?d attempt to wrench her skull upwards, seeking to knock the thick bone of her cranium against the curve of her opponent?s neck (where the mandible and neck meet) to both force the assassin to release her loose grip upon her neck and to force her skull upwards and away from Morphine?s own. While performing the wrench of her skull, Morphine would angle her jaws in towards the upper portion of Cyanide?s neck, now likely exposed due to the fact that she would have had to reach over Morphine?s skull to obtain a grip to the back of her neck, splayed wide open and at the ready for retaliation. Her skull would tilt slightly to her own right, mandible tucked firmly to the curve of her own neck to buffer any attempts to grasp the lower jaw, eyes would remain narrow slits to protect them from damage, and triangular ears would slick against her crown to lessen the possibility of being mutilated. Her limbs, however, would lock in place, her tail would secure itself in alignment with her spine, and her dull claws would carve into the surface of the earth for traction as her opponent launched herself forward, the close proximity between the duo, combined with Morphine?s reflexive defenses, only forcing the wraith to slide backwards and further away from the quicksand-like mud while maintaining her balance. Her chest faced the brunt of impact, but Cyanide?s momentum would fail to severely bruise it there, only managing to insinuate moderate soreness that would only be felt as an aftermath of the battle ? as long as she lived.

But now, it was the pallid wraith?s turn to inflict damage upon her opponent, and oh was she ready. Upon impact of her chest, jaws would snake forward in an attempt to seize the upper portion of the presumably exposed neck that would likely have been fed to her jaws during Cyanide?s propulsion forward, jaws attempting to wrap about the middle of her opponent's neck, incisors seeking to pierce the veins within the neck to splatter the battlegrounds with the traitor?s life-sustaining liquid so that both may bathe in it. All the while, defenses would remain secured, preparation for her opponent?s retaliation evident in her stance.

round number
I ? II ? III ? IV ? V

attacks attempt to knock the back of her skull into the curve of cyanide's neck to force cyanide's skull upwards and to force her to release her grip on the back of morphine's neck. as cyanide plunges forward, upon immediate impact morphine attempts to seize cyanide's neck with her jaws.
defenses mandible pressed against her neck, eyes narrowed, ears slicked back, jaws gaping, limbs locked, tail aligned with her spine, and claws digging into the earth for traction during cyanide's push forward to stop herself from falling & losing balance.

injuries loose flesh upon the middle of her neck grasped by cyanide, potential bruising to her chest where cyanide impacts her.

ooc here