
Teenagers scare the living out of me



4 Years
10-09-2016, 04:34 PM

He stood absolutely still as his sister said his name, and without warning, she moved toward him and wrapped her head around him in a hug. There was a sting in his wounds, but he didn't flinch away; he pressed into her embrace just a little, so light and subtle she might not even notice. It was comforting, despite his confusion, his sister's presence helped center him a little. Helped him feel somewhat normal in the midst of his chaotic thoughts. Her frantic voice broke his heart though, and filled with shame, he dropped his head, ears flicking back as he stared at the ground. "I... couldn't tell anyone," he croaked, his voice feeling dry and choked. He still intended to remain quiet; if Vadim was staying quiet, he wasn't going to say anything. For all he knew, his brother had already spoken up, but Ash made no mention of it, so he wouldn't say anything about it yet.

He sat down as she did, and his brows pulled together in a worried furrow when she said she'd saw their dad crying the day before. "Why?" the word left his mouth before he could mull it over, "W-what happened?" His heart began to pound, his claws digging anxiously into the dirt. What could possibly have caused his father to shed tears? His mind instantly went to thoughts of his brother - had they found Vadim? What had become of him? Surely he was okay... his wounds had not been fatal. For days, Ramsay had been trying to keep tears at bay as he thought of his brother, and everything that had happened. Crying would have been weak, right? But, dad had been crying? He drew in a breath rather heavily, beginning to feel a rattling in his chest, and he clenched his jaws as he tried to hold back from falling apart.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!