
Forged in Fire



6 Years

10-09-2016, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2016, 02:43 PM by Jaelle.)
*Navigation - Mile-High Woods*

She was in heat. Of all the things to happen lately, of course it had to come off with a bang and she was in bloody heat. She grumbled as she walked through the thick woods, her bells ringing out with every step. Her scarf was wound tightly around her neck, there was a chill in the air that was most likely snow on its way to the north. Since the meeting that Xephyris had held she had slipped off and hadn't really been around since. There was something about that brown woman that didn't sit right with her, and she didn't want the drama that seemed to already be circling Vyper. So she did what she did best, setting off to explore the great white north. These woods were proving to be very interesting though, they were leaning up on each other and had really low hanging branches. There was no doubt that she would be able to climb them, but whether or not she should was a whole other question. But who was she kidding? Of course she was going to try. With a sly smirk on her maw she walked up to a thicker oak, standing up on her hind legs and bouncing her weight on it. It seemed sturdy enough, so she hopped on it and looked at the next lowest branch. It was rather humorous to think of how her silver knight would react to see her accident prone self climbing a tree. It wasn't enough to stop her, not until she was about four branches up. She could hear it moan under her weight, and the bell-clad woman gingerly stepped a little bit further. Testing it, she shuffled a few more steps until she heard a loud snap. Jaelle froze, standing stock still as she looked down at the soft bark below her paws. She couldn't see a split, it must have been internal. But knowing her, it was going to break and she would bounce off every tree limb on the way down. At least she wasn't too far up. Deciding that this was enough for now, she backed up before very gingerly laid down, hugging it with her front limbs.

Her blue and brown eyes glanced around, but it was hard to see anything through the brittle leaves of the trees around her. No matter how hard she squinted, nothing was catching her eye. Huffing, she kicked her back legs around which made the bells on her tail ring out softly. Humming along with their unique tone, she looked down and wondered if anyone would happen across her. She was feeling a little lonely, but the fact that it was her season made her a touch nervous. Anything could happen, and she was far from ready to settle down with little whelps running around. With a sigh, she rested her gray head on the branch, not stopping her little song.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.