
I'm in hiding

Vadim I


3 Years

10-09-2016, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2016, 07:03 PM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

He stood there, his tail wagging behind him calmly while an excited pant left his tongue hanging lightly from his smiling jowls- happily waiting for his sister's answer and enjoying himself despite the soreness of his wounds. He'd cast a quick glance to his father as he waited, and then finally Ash gave her answer.

He'd quiet his pant as he listened to his sister's words, though canted his head as she revealed at first that she was uncertain. Then, as she said she thought she'd spend her days beside him.. he nearly beamed with happiness. He had no idea she thought so highly of his company. Afterall, their adventure in the mines had made him worry that perhaps he was actually boring in comparison to the others out there. Her final answer made him grin- he could see her being a good spy. She had a trustworthy face, who would ever suspect?

He gave a nod as Amalia spoke, agreeing with her words as she reassured Ash. If his sister wanted to be a spy, he was sure she could do it, and he would help her! One of his ears lowered while the other focused on Ama's question when it came time for her to direct one toward him. His orange gaze gently settled on Ama's face for a moment before it drifted around the forest surrounding them.. as if an answer would come popping out around the corner any time soon. "Oh.. um.."

He almost didn't answer, his mind quickly shuffling his thoughts as though they were cards, trying to find the right one that would make a fabulous little lie for them believe.. but he couldn't think of anything good. Finally, he gave up and decided to be honest- after all, he was in the company of family, he could trust them. He looked to his father, his eyes searching his dad's as if trying to discern what sort of reaction the man would have before the words were even spoken, "I want.. to be king." He wasn't royalty, he knew that Avalon ruled over their homelands and her children would likely be her successors but he could not deny what he wanted. His head turned back to Amalia as he held it up proudly.

"I knew I wanted to be king when I saw how Ivalice responds to Avalon back at the meeting. Everyone respects her, and I want that. Not just for myself, but for my family. I want everyone to respect my family. I want to learn how to fight, I want to get better at hunting, and I want to be the best protector of the best lands my family could ever ask for." His gaze lowered to the ground, his 'brows furrowing as he thought. "I want everyone to know us and to talk of us.. and then maybe mom will hear about me... and maybe she will come back.. or at the very least, be proud."

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[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]